financial panther

Just personal preference, I’m partial to this guy:

Over the last year I’ve become way less critical about silly or superficial things that make people happy. Maybe we have to double down on the little things to emotionally survive everything else?

I liked Carson in season 1 - well I just liked him in general, but thought he became too dominating/attention seeking in later seasons.

I’m just watching this trailer and wishing for .01% of that vivacity, that glow, that optimism, that confidence. Maybe in this era, we just need a promise of some small possibility of happiness, however superficial?

I was prepared to hate this, but I liked the trailer.

Come back we’ll all have those sweet casino jobs soon!!!

Wow, I didn’t take it that way at all. She wasn’t bragging about her paycheck. She was saying that women need to be realistic about they’re longevity in Hollywood and ask for what they’re worth, and that the industry doesn’t value women, even when they’re moneymakers.

But like, she’s clearly more important to the show than Dempsey was, which was the point.

Is he fucking kidding me with this shit? “Flannel”, “ Livin’ off the Land” (the apostrophe makes it rustic, I guess), “Midnight Summer Jam”? This dude couldn’t be more phony if he tried. I have so much secondhand embarrassment right now.

And frankly, what’s Julia doing nowadays?

Really? Roses in food can be amazing, not just in sweets. And it doesn’t have to be fancy either. You can find roses in anything from turkish baklava to Chinese rice puddings and Moroccans use it to flavour meat dishes like roast chicken, etc.

True but when you’re financially secure you can afford to turn down anything that comes with too much bullshit.

Faye was on an episode of Grey’s a few years back. I don’t think it was a dig or a drag.

Wow love how quickly people read this frank discussion of how the economics of Hollywood disenfranchise women, and went; “Fuck her she said a mean thing about Faye Dunaway.”

In Everett, in the actual 20's, my great grandfather made booze in his bathtub. Maybe Ellen and I are related?

I think that was precisely her point - that a woman who is a goddamn legend, has no real financial power, especially compared to her male contemporaries like Warren Beatty.

Fuck yes, and she is right too! Shonda must have had her back this go round, since Ellen said her loyalty was rewarded. Go Shonda and go Ellen! Get yours, cause you know the guys are all taking care of each other.

Her interview was insanely real. Who gets to say that Disney is making too much money so she was going to get hers, and gets away with it! It’s incredible.  

Her twitter (especially the dragging of Woody Allen) almost makes me want to reactivate my account.

“I’m not fuckin’ Julia Roberts.”