financial panther

Probably, the aren’t small birds.

I come from a long line of drunks on both sides of my family. They’ve all done some pretty horrid shit in their time, but as far as I know, it has never led them to, say, jack it into a potted plant.

Or maybe just ban work parties? Or have them in the afternoon, as a thing to do instead of working instead of a thing to do during what should be your free time?

She’s not allowed to leave!

I’m sorry to see you leave Kate, but really happy to have seen your heartfelt dancing. It was a gift.

Rosario is going to be just fine and a-okay

Finding someone creepy is a great natural defense mechanism against getting murdered. We’re not going to suppress it just because you think we should, for your benefit.

Why do guys always insist on the socially awkward pass? Like women aren’t socially awkward, like we just all magically are able to read all body language, understand all subtext, and parse all hidden meanings?

let’s see: you are bitter and resentful at women who dare to reject you. Yep you’re a “nice guy”. How many times do we have to say this: NO WOMAN OWES YOU SEX/LOVE/A DATE.

I don’t know if you’ve heard but there is this thing called online dating.

I would like to encourage women who feel uncomfortable with certain guys to consider why do you feel uncomfortable?

Haha, I’ve had this disagreement with friends. Just because a woman is at a bar with a book it doesn’t mean she’s lonely. People read. People read and have a drink.

Oh, man. I’m inclined to second another commenter that said I think you want to get it, but you’re not getting it. But you’re also making that charitable inclination more and more difficult in passing comments.

loootsa different angles to say the woman’s at fault

I’m sorry (not sorry) but I’m getting angrier and angrier about this the more I think about it. If your takeaway message after ALL. THIS. Sexual assault and harassment fuckery (that you presumably notice on the front page of JEZEBEL) is:

Your posts seem to me like you’re a few websites short of being a full on MRA. Maybe I caught you at a weird time. Get your heart right and women will quit smelling the fedora stink on you and running the opposite direction.

And yet, every year, millions of men date millions of women... I hear your confusion and angst but let’s not go overboard with the hyperbole.

Here’s the thing about approaching strange women: you need to read body language, and to pick your moment. When approaching a strange woman you cannot be all about YOUR needs; you have to really care to find out what she wants. Men who approach women tend to only focus on themselves — there’s often no room for a woman

Nobody’s going to starve to death if you make an awkward joke at a party.

I think a lot of discomfort for women happens when a man approaches us in a non-social setting. At work, for instance. Or when we’re out and about, just trying to go for a jog or hit the laundromat or whatever. Being approached constantly when your brain is not in social mode - and having to be on the alert a little