financial panther

She has a swimsuit line. Why do I know these things?

Does anyone ever really doubt that Corey Bohan was abusive to Audrey? This chauvinist was oozing with privilege in every clip I ever saw of him.

Nope. The whole “I’m going to hurt myself if you leave me!” is definitely emotional abuse. Good for her for getting out—that was not going to get better.

I can’t stand Marilyn Manson. His treatment of Dita was disgusting. Then there was the creepy relationship with ERW and he later made a video where an ERW lookalike is killed. His career tanked because of his own behavior.

My guess is “club appearances” that she probably makes enough money for, that it would make us all cry.

Aww, I actually think it’s cool that’s she’s the only woman in LA who HASN’T gotten lip fillers.

I have like 15 brown bananas right now! If only I were in LA I could have the cookbook, the underwear, and the palette. Damnit.

Show and tell. Enthusiasm. Patience... I suddenly realize I sound like I am Kramer telling the story of Billy Mumphrey.

I think that was Tragic Kingdom. Return of Saturn is about her relationship with Gavin Rossdale.

I played spiderwebs for my daughter and then realized wtf happened to her??? Didn’t she date/was married to someone in no doubt? Maybe she has that Ann Perkins syndrome where she takes on the personality of the guy she’s dating?

Daddy likey?

on my road trip this weekend i was listening to return of saturn and then just thinking about how sad i am about 2017 gwen.

Slightly different take on that first one here. I was in the same situation for years: the sex was bad and my partner was unwilling or unable to improve. Even got into a fight now and then, with a memorable “why can’t we just keep doing this way” line thrown in. Recently we had a breakthrough though. I somehow managed

I miss the Gwyneth Paltrow who was just an actress, palling around with Winona Ryder, dating Ben Affleck then marrying Chris Martin, scrounging around in her off hours in comfy clothes and no makeup, and not telling the rest of us how to live. This holier than thou, try-hard, who-me-perfect? Gwyneth is exhausting.

So their whole romantic relationship gets relegated to nothing more than a great friendship just because the sex isn’t good? I understand sex being a super important part of relationship for some people and that if it’s not good, it’s definitely can be a deal breaker. But the sex not being good doesn’t suddenly change


“Get a lover or lovers without his consent. You wouldn’t be the first person.”

Last week I complained that this column was too much “list all the obvious possibilities and offer no real insight or direction” and met a lot of people strenuousy disagreeing.