financial panther

Oh my god! That shirt! I could never put a shirt on Pepper because she would slit my throat in the process. That’s so adorable.

My MIL is a total creep that posts happy Monday, happy Tuesday messages, every single fucking day of the week! Not only does she post them to Facebook, she will text them to you and email you with that bullshit every day of your life. They should’ve never given old people internet and texting.

They are the rich white boy kind of horrible. Sure they don’t get in fights or sell drugs but I’d bet that they sexually harass their female classmates, bully kids they don’t feel are as good as they are and brag about trying to get minimum wage employees fired. Their type joins faternities in college where they are

Never understood why it was cool to refer to beating your opponents in a sporting event (something you’d be proud of) to something like rape, which is something you should be ashamed of.

I had a friend who got married on his birthday.

Yes. Think of their future. Promising young men. I hope their lacrosse/football/baseball/swimming careers aren’t jeopardized.

“These are four of the best students, academically, behavioral-wise,” Wilson said. “They just made a bad decision.

Indeed. These were four of the “best students.”

I am weirdly invested in the Ben McKenzie-Morena Baccarin marriage. I mean, both have special places in my heart (OC and Firefly 4ever) but I’m not sure why I’ve fixated on them specifically.

Am I alone in not giving a fuck about Kevin Hart? I find him annoying.

SO happy to hear this about my boyfriend Leo. Don’t @ me. The heart wants what the heart wants.

They were both producers!

True story about Melissa Joan Hart: My mom used to work for Make-A-Wish foundation. She escorted children on celebrity meet and greets. Melissa Joan Hart met the kid for a half an hour and then hopped up and told the family she had to leave because she had a tennis lesson and left. This kid’s one dying wish...

Always worth repeating: “Rape Joke” by Patricia Lockwood

“These are four of the best students, academically, behavioral-wise,” Wilson said. “They just made a bad decision.”

This is what can happen to a situation where students made a bad decision but once it gets on social media, it gets ramped up and it really spreads like wildfire.

I used to know a woman who was legit shocked - shocked - to learn that most African Americans are descended from slaves. Apparently, she’d never stopped to think about what happened to former slaves after emancipation. There was the Civil War, and that ended slavery, and then everything that happened in the 20th

“Did they steal your bank account info?”

Of course, Rone is claiming “not me!” insisting that her page was hacked ...

Because 90% of U2 fans never heard of them until Joshua Tree or after.