financial panther

I can still (in my mid 30's) do the splits, but I can only sit in them for a hot second and then I have to pull my legs back in. I *might* have been able to sit a little longer when I was younger, but no fucking way would it have been 20 min. That’s just torture. Fuck that teacher.

As a former high-school female cheerleader back in the 70's, I can confirm that splits are:

1. Something you need to work your muscles into over a period of time

I am not clicking that video.

I wouldn’t exactly co-sign that, Jujy. A friend of mine is one and last year at a convention we lost the top to a handle of Captain Morgan while partying poolside in Vegas. What does genius over there do? Try to drink what is left in the bottle otherwise it will go bad. That was about 3 am and we didn’t hear from him

Katy is a sentient motivational poster. She just vomits out cliched metaphors while making strange choices in syllable stress.

I feel horrible saying this, but I liked 1989 more before Ryan Adams covered it. Ever since, I have felt dissatisfied when revisiting most of the old versions of the songs. Maybe it’s because what I like best about Taylor’s songs are the lyrics, and I’m able to connect to them more when they are in a more stripped

I’ve never gotten why she went with short hair.

Did you read the “track list” for Taylor’s new album that someone at Jez wrote up or the multiple posts Bobby Finger wrote about the snake video? I would definitely not say this website is stanning for Taylor Swift.

Taylor Swift’s music is the best pop music of today. Pop as in what pop was originally considered to be, so not including R n’ B and hip hop, etc.

Katy Perry is a cartoon who wants to be taken seriously as an artist, but she has nothing of substance to say and her art always comes across as insincere and contrived and often juvenile. This video is dumb and childish. It seems like her intellectual and emotional growth is stunted, and every few years she tries on

I love really short hair. I have dreams about the day I lose enough weight to rock a pixie cut without looking like a marble perched on a beach ball. (I have a really small head.)

I think with a bit of a re-write, Swish Swish is going to make an awesome sonic backdrop for a new Listerine campaign. Something like:

I have nothing to say about this video. I am ridiculously excited for the new Taylor Swift single that is coming out today. I hate myself.

Exactly. Though you do remind me I’m even guilty of this. Back in the days of livejournal in the early 00s when I was in my late teens/early 20s, I’d get tired of things and just start a whole new journal. I wouldn’t delete the old one, I’d just start a new one and take over the friends I wanted to keep and be like

I think it’s fucking brilliant that she’s apparently facing the whole snake thing head on, instead of keeping her pert little nose in the air as per her typical ice queen style. It certainly has me more interested than I would be otherwise.

I’m stoked af and don’t even care that I’m 32. So what. This is gonna be great.

TS has been my jam since Tears On My Guitar. I have no shame. I even cried when I saw her on her 1989 tour. I am that girl.


Seems like a pretty typical marketing strategy to me. How dare she successfully build buzz around her new album.... is that really what we want to be outraged about?

I do not care what her track list is. I just care that we are FINALLY getting a new album. I am living for this. Can’t wait for her new single to drop tomorrow night. 🙌🙌🙌