financial panther

That’s how it is in Sainte-Chapelle in Paris too. I actually think they have professional shushers. They’d shush us all, it would get super quiet, then over the course of about 30 seconds the sound in the church would get louder and louder and they’d shush us all again. And the cycle continued over and over again

Kid in a Coffin sounds like a great name for a goth/punk band.

I was at St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice earlier this year and you cannot take pictures inside because obviously everything is old as fuck. Ground breaking was in 978.

It’s MADNESS. Let me tell you about one particularly hellacious afternoon. I was leading a group of students around a gallery and before we went in we did a (1) do not touch the art (PAINTINGS. OBVIOUSLY DO NOT TOUCH PAINTINGS?!) talk and then (2) another one in front of the art about the appropriate distance to

We live in an Idiocracy now. Obviously protective barriers are not enough to convey stop morons from crossing them. Take the Harambe case, for example.

I’ve found both IRL and online the Sansa haters are mostly men. Even when I’m at cons, a dude will always inevitably side-eye my Sansa tattoo. I like Sansa, and always have. She resonates with me because I’ve lived through trauma, and when you’re a kid, and you’re trying to be good, sometimes it’s never enough. D & D

I was screaming “Take Jon! Leave my beautiful man! Take Jorah, for God’sake.”

This looks more rougher (bumpier?) scaly than a snake and more like a dragon?

Finally, I though in early episodes that they showed White Walkers and especially the Ice King made things cold around them. Why isn’t the lake frozen or why can’t the Ice King just Make It So!

It really doens’t matter whose character the plan belonged to—that was all sloppy writing. Like, the writers all sat in a room and were like: “OK, we need a wight dragon for the fire & ice thing. How do we get there?” Sad that that’s the best they could come up with.

Arya never got to see Sansa begging for Ned’s life because she was scooped up by Yoren and he blocked her view.

Also, those THREE dragons could’ve smoked that entire army of the dead in two seconds. Totally unbelievable.

Seriously. I was screaming along with Tormund “Somebody help him!!!”

Having Littlefinger’s face means they can still keep the Knights of the Vale on their side without having to tolerate another second of that whispering shitstain.

I can forgive the Hound for that because he made up for it by saving Tormund. I was momentarily losing my shit thinking he was a goner and my dreams of giant babies with Brienne were dashed.

Fuck Arya for bringing up Ned’s execution at the Sept of Baelor. Does she not remember seeing Sansa beg for Ned’s life? Also, Arya should know that sometimes you’re forced to serve your enemies to survive. She was freaking Tywin Lannister’s cup girl for gods sake. If she had poisoned him, then he wouldn’t have killed

The dragons wouldn’t have been there without his stupid, poorly thought out plan.

Also, if you have a flaming sword shouldn’t it be somehow EXTRA AWESOME against dead things that are killed by fire? It looks like it’s no more effective than any other weapon. Similarly, isn’t Valerian steel supposed to be magical too? Or is that only against White Walkers? But that seems a little weird. And why

Deus ex Coldhands, for real. Does he just hang around waiting for idiot nephews?

I think the problem with the bit in general is that it wasn’t really good at conveying that. I took that from it, but I can see how someone who’s not quite using that heuristic could go, “Oh, shit, I can just sit at home and eat cake? Sweet!”