financial panther

This kind of ticks me off, because its the perfect example of how many Americans reacted to this weekend and to racism in general. They look at what happened at Charlottesville and think ,“Oh well, it doesn’t affect me” or “Let’s all just move on” or “This is just a little issue and this will all blow over, let’s stop

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Oh my God, guys. Why can’t we all just get along? Let’s sit down with a Pepsi and solve racism.

Kim Kardashian is wealthy enough at this point to set all of her social media accounts to private, and never speak a word in public again.

I’m really concerned for Leo’s feelings if he were to read all of this.

Every celebrity’s dating pool should be rated for diversity. Conclusions will be drawn based on the identities they include or exclude from their bed.

According to this delightfully bonkers but oddly specific gossip, no. No he is not.

Per eonline, it was a “sexy friendship.”

Much growth. Very brave. Wow.

Wow, Leo sure likes the cargo DadShorts

Come on guys. Leo can fuck whoever he wants as long as they want to fuck him too. Let’s stop this.

It kind of makes sense in the same way that anti-vaxxers make sense. They are the people who never experienced polio, mumps, measles etc. They can say to themselves “surely it’s not THAT bad” because they have no idea what it is like to be that ill or see friends die. The people with first hand memories of these

I’m anxious about losing that generation. They are a generation that actually faced our greatest fears-and they fought and won.

She should be forced to watch the news 24/7. You don’t get to unleash this monster on the rest of us and now you can’t watch. Pfft. This is directed al all dump supporters who are now silent and want to ignore what we warned them about.

I find it disturbing that the effigy is less ugly than the real person.

All he had to do was not run, and he could have lived out his life in relative peace. He’d have his twitter and ranting at whoever was president, but he didn’t. Now, he’s despised by a majority of the USA, and when he looks out on the streets, he can see how much people don’t like him, and it must really bug someone

I hope he is frightened. I hope he’s having trouble sleeping in his stupid Tower. Some relatives of mine who lived in Manhattan in a high-rise for many years showed me once that lower floors in those big buildings are actually quieter. After having lived in the building for years, they actually packed up all of

I know, but I gotta get my kicks where I can before we all die.

Joke is on you. Trump has his shit removed from his anus by Steve Bannon orally every morning.

Today I learned that most statues largely rely on their own weight to keep them anchored. Which is good to know. Also this, now and forever: