Why is no one but me considering the fact that she had Qyburn Qyburning all up in her chambers TWICE this episode... that dude gave her a demon baby!
Why is no one but me considering the fact that she had Qyburn Qyburning all up in her chambers TWICE this episode... that dude gave her a demon baby!
The thing that fucks with me is that there were, at most, 6,000 people at the rally. Let’s say that for every person at the rally there were 100 more who sympathized with them, and you still don’t get to 1% of the population. Why is he catering to such a statistically insignificant group? Why are they in his…
Afraid that he might have to play with his father.
Our country is doing very well in so many ways. We have record — just absolute record employment. We have unemployment the lowest it’s been in almost 17 years. We have companies pouring into our country, Foxconn and car companies and so many others. They’re coming back to our country. We’re renegotiating trade deals…
But, like, you weren’t gonna do shit about prescription prices as long as he was your BFF?
I’ve always thought Trump tone-deaf, but I’m suspecting at this point he literally has no ears.
Sam, upset because no one will listen to him, promptly refuses to listen.
She’s not busy making WHYTE BABEEZ with these cretinous troglodytes, therefore she’s useless to them. Which is actually a pretty good legacy.
This has nothing to do with free speech. These assholes don’t have a right to a job at a company that doesn’t want to employee them because they’re now a liability. The right to employment is not enshrined in the constitution. They weren’t maced, tear gassed, or shot with rubber bullets at their protest. The…
Nazis and supporters of the Southern Confederate States get no rights. You can’t be an American and a Nazi. You can’t memorialize the Confederate rebels in a positive way and still be an American. We fought wars over both these things.
Gendry’s dad and John’s “dad” were BFFs. But Gendry’s dad also killed the man who was actually John’s biological father.
I don’t think they wear their actual faces, but I think they need to be dead for you to wear their face. I’m kind of hoping she kills him wearing Katelyn’s face.
Eta: I think he wouldn’t bring up Arya because, if she is dead, it’s at least partially because he failed to protect her. Yes, he was taken by Melisandre, but he’d freely chosen to abandon Arya for the Brotherhood first,…
Guys. I know it would make for boring TV, but CAN’T THE CHARACTERS DEBRIEF EACH OTHER A LITTLE.
Why do I keep reading that all the surviving Stark siblings became more powerful, except for Sansa, who is just regular? Seriously, the powers of diplomacy and politics are fucking hard to acquire, and she’s kickass at it, much better at ruling than her Targaryen cousin or even Dany. I’ve always loved Arya, but I…
The prevailing theory is that Gendry, like the rest of Westeros, thinks Arya is dead, and finds it too painful to talk about her.
would watch and mentally bang
There’s plenty of other parts to make it seem that she was into him as well. The kidnapped story-line is what’s told to to the stark kids and Robert but everyone else who was around at that time doesn’t seem to look on it that way.
Gendry has stopped rowing. I liked Ser Davos’ little joke about rowing.