financial panther

I think the overwhelming obsession with ‘unique’ proposals is what’s weird. Then again, I didn’t even get a formal proposal or a ring (until after we were married), and that was 25 years ago.

Given that Africa has been THE place for the royal family to get away from the press and be semi-normal since at least the 1940s, I’d say it’s fine.

He was Diana’s spitting image in his youth and then somewhere in his late teens/early 20's, Charles’ genetics annexed his face. And not for the better.

I’m William’s age and I used to think he was so hot. Now, not so much. It’s not even that he’s older and balding. Please. I’m not as young as I used to be either, but I feel like he used to look like Diana and now all I see is Charles. Ugh.

Doesn’t he get to pick a ring from the royal stash? Like William picked out Diana’s engagement ring from the treasure chest to give to Kate.

Harry would be average af if he weren’t royalty and being compared to a family that looks like a bunch of 18th century Habsburg rejects.

honey they don’t have to be members of any anti-fascist organization. they just have to be human beings who are tired of the racists. i know i am.

I shouldn’t laugh a violence. Because solves nothing

To the lady, with the takedown at 0:56 of that clip:

And don’t use quotes with Nazi. These idiots ARE Nazis. How many Hitler t-shirts and swastika flags/shirts/armbands do you need to see before you accept it? Call a spade a spade.

Fuck you, you pathetic equivocating piece of shit.

Wow, a real Alpha male there, am I right?

Run, motherfucker. Run. For the rest of your pathetic life.

Cops were there to protect this scumbag, yet no cops were there to protect Deandre Harris?

White Privileged Example #Trillion—Ignoring the mood in the room because you’re a bigot and a man. That shit almost got ol’ boy killed to death.

The arrogance needed to hold a press conference the day after you create a riot is mind blowing but not at all surprising in these morons. That fool was genuinely surprised that he almost got publicly drawn and quartered

Yesterday someone said this pilot episode of Confederate is a thumbs down; it was the first thing that made me smile after all this tragedy. This video here of decent white people checking cowardly, shrill racist scum gives me the warm fuzzies also. AND Twitter doing the Lord’s work by identifying the perps.

OK I’ve had enough of this “doxxing” bullshit. Identifying people at a public march IS NOT FUCKING DOXXING. Doxxing is when someone finds out a ton of personal information and openly posts it on the internet, generally about someone trying to remain anonymous on an online forum. It goes way beyond just a name and

I like when the woman takes him the fuck down right before the cops whisk him away
