And people who take out loans for their weddings are usually the people who think that cash gifts should help pay for the wedding.
And people who take out loans for their weddings are usually the people who think that cash gifts should help pay for the wedding.
I worked for a publishing company that had a wedding magazine, and it was the red-headed stepchild. No one on staff wanted to design or write for it for this very reason. The couples who were profiled (for the “real weddings” feature) were a nightmare to deal with and would freak out over so many things, well after…
I’m baffled at the way people disregard the reality of their own financial situation.
Somewhat related, but I sew. People always want a sewing/tailoring/custom made favor. I have assigned myself exorbitant rates for my sewing work, and my “friend discount” isn’t much of an incentive. Money me! Money now!
I’m a real estate agent here and SAME. I add a rider to every lease where I mostly just reiterate a few key portions of the lease in very simple language with the hope that the people who skip over the legalese will read ten sentences in the rider.
Seriously! And tagging “their” Insta accounts (that Kim set up at birth and runs, I’m assuming) is just icing on the cake. Parents like that drive me to drink.
The best part of that name (Kash) is that Kim and Kandi actually argued about it because Kandi said she wanted to name her son Kash (she was not pregnant at the time and I’m not sure if she was even dating anyone; I can’t remember), but Kim got to it first.
IHave you heard of Canada’s FASHIONMagazine? No? Well, Lorde’s in it this month. (Week? Quarter? Year?)
She had such an aesthetic in the early days. All she wore were tight satin dress shirts or lingerie dresses that made her boobs look way saggy. Paired with diamond hoop earrings, acrylic French manicure, and drinking chardonnay INSIDE HER BENTLEY CONVERTIBLE IN A STRIP MALL PARKING LOT as she listened to her own songs.
I kind of feel bad for those kids, as long as they didn’t ask to have a picture of their recovering bodies plastered on the internet, which is forever. The boy looks like one of those Victorian death photos.
Reading Obama’s and Trump’s descriptions of the white house is like comparing a $150 steak dinner to Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. And not even the fun spiral shaped macaroni. The little fucking elbows shapes. Fuck those elbows, and fuck Trump.
Not enough fake gold plating everywhere apparently.
It’s very beautiful. Many stained glass windows are faded or have lame color schemes, but that one is perfect!
He paid for insurance for the tour. He left it for pretty well-documented medical reasons. You should get what you pay for. I don’t love Kanye’s shtick when it’s a shtick but this was a serious mental health problem.
My exact thoughts were, “This dude gets to go to Hawaii for “work” and I can’t even take MBCock out for a drink after commenting on a week night happy hour”.
I think all the military stuff is being handled by Jaime who is a seasoned commander along with the Tarly’s.
Is anyone else pissed off that Cersei in the books is basically a myopic schemer who’s consistently out of her depth, doesn’t foresee the consequences of her actions and believes to be way smarter than she really is, and yet in the show she has become this military mastermind who can outsmart Tyrion (arguably the…