financial panther

I am smack-dab between your age and your mom’s, and I am the mother of a teen, so I feel like I can look at this as both a daughter and a mom. To answer your questions - - I live out of state and visit my mom once or twice a year, and she visits me once a year. I have never in my life gone to visit my mom for her

As an adult you get to choose what kind of relationship you have with others, parents included

One of the hardest lessons to learn in life is that we can’t fix our the problems of our loved ones for them. You have tried to do everything that you could, but even gods can’t change people’s behavior. Your conscience should be clear.


First off: you are doing the right thing. You cannot make him change. You cannot make him want to change. You cannot alter the circuitry in his brain so it is easier for him to change. You have to look out for yourself as well.

Everybody else here has already said the pertinent stuff: You’re not horrible and you’re doing the right thing by distancing yourself. You can make him be clean and sober, but you can choose not to live under that cloud. You have a life to live—go do it.

OH my god, I think we share a brain. First things first, I would get up. I have to physically make myself get up, splash some cold water on my face. Sometimes I’ll even say out loud, “Christ, this conversation is so BORING!” to remind myelf I’m spiraling again. Then, I need to replace the words in my head with new

I had a miscarriage and I feel like I am doing well with it, because I know how common they are. I work with children ages birth-5, and this has happened many times with the moms I work for. My husband is having a much harder time with it. It has been a month and he cries at night. I don’t know what to say to comfort

You are an adult and your parents need to treat you as such. That means making your own decisions about what you do with your time and your finances. Sounds like your mom is trying to control you by making you feel guilty about her birthday and Mother’s Day? I’m sure she misses you an such, but she needs to respect

It’s rough. I’m sorry to hear that. My dad’s drug wasn’t substances, it was rage. My brother left. Then I left. Then my mom left after 36 years. Sometimes love can only be given from afar when close up love affects your life and health. He’s your dad, but no one is worth your health.

Your choice, of course, but I definitely wouldn’t. ‘We don’t fuck the fuckboys’ has long been a motto among me and my friends. There are plenty of sexy as hell guys who aren’t absolute MAGA-morons to sleep with. Rewarding the attitudes of the Trump boys with sex (and in my experience they tend to view all sex as

Hatefucking can be wonderful, but in this case, given the state of our world and the stakes that we all face: Lysistrata his ass.

I am 133 days sober today. I’m not white knuckling it, but I did take some muscle relaxers the other day for some extreme pain and the float feeling was nice.

Wait, so we can blame Nickelback on 9/11?! This is how the terrorists won.

Yea, when I say I want a newsletter “geared toward women” I mean I want the latest on reproductive rights, criminal justice, healthcare, affordable housing, and education. Not “dumbed down, we-are-too-good-for-this” takes on actual news.

I think the real reason her career never took off is because we already had an oversaturated market of white, young, pop-singing girls. Because Britney, Xtina, Jessica Simpson, and Mandy Moore were already turning out hits there really wasn’t any more room for anyone else. She was to solo white girl mall pop singers

OMG! Hi Willa!

I haven’t read Cosmo since I was in high school (fun fact: Cosmo is where I actually learned about p in v sex. Sex Ed matters, folks), but what the actual fuck kind of name is “The Skimm”, and why isn’t that just the entire article?

I am a news junkie and I do not read that crap. No news junkies I know, and I know a lot, read that crap. I find your statement hard to believe.

“For now, the women are using their aggressive positivity to float above the negative press”