financial panther

The child actors in Slumdog Millionaire were paid an absolute pittance — even as they were trotted out to advertise the film. They were also sent back to live in the slums, and the father of one of the children apparently tried to sell her.

I don’t care why they got divorced, people get divorced all the time. Her cryptic comments about healing are kind of shitty, though.

I hear ya. I think that animals pick up on distress cues across species, whether or not they’re vocalized. When my husband’s grandmother died, he didn’t change expression noticeably when he got the phone call, but our cat ran downstairs from where she was sleeping at incredible speed, planted herself in his lap, and

After I came home from my mother’s funeral I kind of collapsed on the bed and sobbed for what had to be hours. One by one, each of my animals- a dog who knew normally he wasn’t allowed on the bed, and two cats that hated each other- one by one they jumped up and cuddled with me until I calmed down. I was surrounded by

Just to add to your salary break down she has always done a lot of ads for high end designers and stuff.

This is fantastic. Peak Herzog. Bet he’s fun at parties.

Oh, you mean the time that she adopted a little Vietnamese boy so that her little Cambodian boy would have someone who looked like him in the family? I. Just. Can’t. With her nonsense.

Some of us had dreams, tho. Like becoming a dentist.

“Every animal screams because screaming is fun; every animal is capable of recognizing screams because suffering is universal and we will all eventually die alone.”

Caftan is just a fancy word for mumu...

You missed the best (worst) part, how she decided to cast the film. Such a great humanitarian:

I suspect nothing in these kids’ lives has been particularly normal. I’m sure they’re getting help to work through this and hope they find some peace. The parents, I have no thoughts on/don’t care about.

There’s something about unlit candles as objets de décor that bugs me, creamy-white or not. Maybe it’s the denial of their purpose in the world. Yeah, sure, they look prettier before they get a blackened wick or god forbid, drips, but a dusty, unlit candle just makes me sad and annoyed. Candles are meant to provide

Is she really sidestepping it though? I mean, it’s her break up, she can reveal and say whatever she wants but by making cryptic statements that clearly allude to her side of what happened, she’s not being silent on the matter, just coy.

I’m very concerned about this “A number of doors to the house are open, as if posing some riddle from a fairy tale—which one to enter?” this supposed to be good writing?? This is something a high school student in an after school writing intensive program would write. I should know, I was one. Thankfully, I

Living in LA I’ve gotten used to seeing celebrities. And most aren’t that much better looking than most people you see. Most of the celebrities I’ve met (worked at Cedars, you’d be surprised how many I met there) I thought, “oh, they’re not better looking than more” or “they’re not that much better looking than me”.

Using “creamy-white” three times in the same paragraph disturbs me on a visceral level.

Maybe she learned her lesson. After all, she and Pitt put it ALL out there and acted as if they were most madly in love couple on the planet right until the end. As we know now, those claims turned out to be total bullshit.

Out of all the outfits in that movie, the polo outfit is my favorite and I’d recreate that if I could. Polka dots!