financial panther

I agree with you about Emilia, to an extent. I think she was better in the earlier seasons, when she was...I guess “hungrier” would be the term.

THANK YOU! Like, that’s the hush-hush procedure you found? And good god, knock the poor guy out! I just thought now that they’re in Maester-ville that we’d have some potions and next level shit. Naw, just chug some rum and I’m gonna give you zero time for it to kick in, oh and please be quiet. K? cool!

Ugh. For all the good writing and creative storytelling this show does that’s a pretty basic cure for greyscale. “Just peel all their skin off!”

It’s thrilling to know, for instance, that “Prince that was promised” could also mean “Princess,” but the expository way Missandei explained the translation to Daenerys was pulled straight from a freshman screenwriting class.

Euron is Yara’s uncle, not sister and he’s trying to kill her because he’s a psychotic asshole who we’ve been promised will be even worse than Ramsay Bolton (NOT SOMETHING I NEED, SHOW RUNNERS, IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING) and also because she’s a threat to his claim to the Iron Islands.

Seriously though.

Yeah, this article almost sounds like it’s just trolling real fans of the show. All of this is so fucking wrong.

I took that scene very differently. Nymeria chose to stay with her pack, in the same episode that Arya decided rejoining hers was more important than trying to kill Cersei. It’s not that they’re both feral, it’s that they both chose their families.

Ugh, Euron. This show can’t seem to survive without having a savage male villain to chew the scenery in the most over-the-top way. Viserys is nasty, but oops, he’s dead, so here’s Joffrey. What a vicious little beast, amiright? But oops, he’s dead, so here, have a torturing sociopath named Ramsay. But oops, he’s dead,

Yeah, I thought we all agreed that the Sand Snakes suuuuuuuuuuuck.

The Nymeria scene was so heartbreaking. I think it’s symbolic- Arya is like Nymeria, I think she is too feral. Which, I am not blaming her for- the things she has had to live through, and she has devoted her life to enacting vengeance on everyone who has wronged her, which is a long list. But it’s so sad to see that

Love your Arya insights. I also loved the wolf scene, not so much for the bittersweet meeting with Nymeria, but for the fact that we’re reminded that though Arya is possibly the most effective killer in Westeros, she’s not immortal. To see her vulnerable again, as well, was important.

How about that cut to the pie eating? That scene had me more disoriented than anything Lynch has pulled on this season of Twin Peaks and that is saying something.

I also thought the sandsnakes started strong but then became throwaway characters. Their main dialogue scene this episode sounded like “Sleepaway Camp: Assassains!”

After seven seasons, and my stalwart badassness that I pretend I have, this was the first episode of GoT where I legitimately felt like hurling. That greyscale procedure was more viscerally graphic and disgusting (and it’s a fake disease!) than any violence this show’s ever portrayed.

Seriously, who likes the Sand Snakes? That whole plotline bores me to tears. At risk of sounding like a “book snob”, I found them to be much more interesting in the novels, and more fully fleshed out as characters. I’m not shedding a single tear that some of them have been killed.

Wait, you like the Sandsnakes? I always thought they were the weakest part of the show- very one note, weird dialogue (“but you need the bad pussy!”) that doesn’t flow like anyone else’s lines, a plot that makes very little sense (so the people of Dorne are just going to entirely abandon House Martell and allow

Everyone still remembers the “there were three of us in the marriage” line, where she openly revealed Charles was an adulterer.

Before the internet, women didn’t have a whole lot of exposure to other women who publicly aired their unhappiness in their marriages and relationships. At a certain point, Princess Diana revealed it all, including her misery with Charles and eating disorders. That is not a small thing and she should be given credit.

Yeah; I agree. It’s just as uncomfortable and hard for kitties to be obese as it is for humans. Wear and tear on their joints, loss of an ability to jump and play, breathing issues, and so on. It’s not a fabulously happy life for cats as beautiful as they are....