Ive heard flat soda before, which in that case Id say let the poor people drink!
Ive heard flat soda before, which in that case Id say let the poor people drink!
I feel that everyone is overreacting. In college we would drink doubles all the time. I still could probably do four shots in a row and be fine, if not relatively tipsy. I don’t even think I’d be that strongly affected.
Hashtag I am sorry, but I am also not sorry.
She was accused of it a lot, but she denies it to this day, even though she couldn’t remember how many people she might have injured, and even though sober people don’t typically drive away from accidents and not turn themselves in for hours and hours.
The Beckhams come to America special was genuinely one of my favorite hours of TV ever. She’s a fucking riot.
Yeah, Romeo is the one who got his dad’s good looks. Great smile and charming. Harper and Cruz both look like a mix of their parents and they are both adorable (last time I checked).
Wow, Bella Thorne’s real nose!
Yeah...she makes me super grateful that I didn’t have Facebook until college.
It’s definitely making me cry. He was just a wee guppy back then. And now look at him. A dashing young frog with a Chris Nolan film and a beautiful album and a sold out tour. I’m so proud.
Word is that Victoria is actually super funny, she just has the most exquisite resting bitch face
“I knew she had a lotta potential and I knew—I felt like I was put in that position to kind of help her.”
I am so glad to hear that! Coming off stabilizing meds can be a nightmare. “Better living through chemistry” (once dialed in correctly) and the love and support of our partners/family are powerful. Whether you’re still TTC, recovering, or just livin life —this internet stranger wishes you the very best! <3
You do matter! Those thoughts are awful and often unavoidable, but they do eventually go away. You are stronger than you know...you’re still here!
No no, I only wrote those things in hopes of summoning someone as great and enlightened as you, who must be the sole authority on mental health issues. I was just longing to be schooled on the true causes of suicide and reassured that any attempt to help by anyone is utterly pointless.
Bullshit. When Trump supporters like my own father look people straight in the eye and tell them its their problem if they can’t afford health insurance and end up dying (like my dad did to my cancer-survivor husband) they can fuck right off. I’m sick of this “BE NICE TO THEM OR YOU’LL GET MORE TRUMP!” Why be nice?…
This was an excellent rant. I’m assuming the singing clown is a metaphorical clown and not a literal clown? If not - YIKES!
Plus, if you stick around after the breakup, its creating either false hope for your ex because they think “oh, maybe it’ll take her a while to find a place and she’ll change her mind!” or create a more stressful, volatile situation on top of a situation that is already stressful and painful. Its just not a good idea…
I have a good friend who’s always been fairly politically neutral, but has recently undergone the same personality change, going from “Here’s a reasonable opinion that you may or may not agree with” to foaming at the mouth about libtards. I suspect the root cause is that he’s deeply unhappy with his own life, and…