Also natural: uranium-238, botfly larvae, and the hantavirus. Try putting them all over your kid’s face!
Also natural: uranium-238, botfly larvae, and the hantavirus. Try putting them all over your kid’s face!
I’m really confused by this “Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift are friends now” thing. Is it sarcasm? Did you see the Bad Blood video?
You spelled Selena Gomez’s name wrong twice, even when it was spelled correctly right in front of you. Impressive and welcome to the nocturnal dirtbag.
Yes! This bugs me as well. You know what else is natural? Poison ivy. I’m about ninety percent sure you* don’t want to rub it all over your or your kids faces.
It always cracks me up when celebs say (in an ad) that a random product “fits their busy lifestyle”. How would a different lip balm not fit your busy lifestyle? What does chapstick have to do with busyness?!
“Total Hydration Moisture + Tiny in Rose Petal™ ChapStick”
This petty AF but I don’t even care. -“I love that it’s all natural so I don’t ever have to worry about her putting it all over her face.” - The Elizabethans might have something to say about whether ‘natural’ means ‘safe’. *Coughleadfacepowdercough*
What are you talking about, this is totally how real people talk, and not, say, aliens trying to fit in on Earth who learned to speak exclusively from watching and listening to ads:
He was trying to trick her. That car was obviously stolen because a black woman can’t possibly have any kind of important state job. (In his mind)
Online commentators are already saying she deserved it, because her tag was blank (in FL, that means the driver is in a high-security level job, and it is a danger to them to have their personal info listed)
Online commentators are already saying she deserved it, because her tag was blank (in FL, that means the driver is in a high-security level job, and it is a danger to them to have their personal info listed) and so was a criminal, her tint was too dark, and it’s perfectly legal to just run tags (in many states it…
I know you’re being salty but there are people who follow high fashion and have models they think are cool / unique / good at modeling and Lindsey Wixson was definitely one people followed. She has a big social media presence and was used by a lot of very well known photographers and designers.
There’s a lot that can go awry when you’re a model— 10+ hour fittings (and who’s gonna want to eat or drink for fear of bloat?) and crazy ass (albeit dazzling) set designs that could easily hurt a girl if she moves the wrong way. God forbid a model ruins the garment or accessories in an effort to spare herself a…
She does come off as remarkably levelheaded for working such a ruthless industry. I’m glad she’s getting out while she can.
Of all the implausible things that happen on this show, the pairing up with their high school sweethearts and immediately having babies at like 23 felt the most ridiculous to me. If the time jump had been 10 years instead of 5, I would have bought this as something they’d legit be all talking about, but as it was,…
I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, what fertility clinic calls you in the middle of the night to say “you’re infertile. k bye”?!
I have been driven to distraction all day by how furious I am about how this played out. I actually was super pumped for Spencer’s twin, but instead of actually tying her into any of the previous seasons (which they could have done pretty easily), they decided to have an hour of sex scenes, add an unneeded infertility…
I’m just LIVID that like, the only thing the girls are focused on is having babies. What. The. Hell.
i will never get how anyone could watch this show for seven seasons and be mad at that hilarious ending