financial panther

I love it when people are like “look how strange old-timey people were, with their dangerous and poisonous beauty treatments!”

Oh! Now I understand how Chump is going to bring back coal jobs. Coal mascara returning soon.

Animals need jobs too, we are nor feeding them for free!

Despite the premise it was one of the few teen soaps that had the friendship of three girls and their Bratz doll casual acquaintance at its heart.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but PPD or p-Phenylenediamine is used in 99% of hair dye today. A lot of people have bad reactions to it (waves hand). Google PPD reaction pictures. People who dye their hair and have no reaction for years and one day dye their hair and can have a horrible allergic reaction.

You have to binge a season or two, forget about it for 6+months, and repeat.

One of my favorite things is when a character shows up to dramatic music and there’s a reaction shot of each liar’s bad gasp and it is very, very obvious that this is a returning character and yet I have no memory of who it is or what crazy shit they did before.

See, I think Lucy Hale is terrible and Troian and Ashley are consistently great. You know relative to the genre and channel.

this is truly one of the worst shows on televsion, and yet i still keep up with the spoilers/recaps even tho i quit watching at the time jump.

I stopped watching seasons ago because it just got to be too much.

Some of them are fine (I like Lucy Hale) but Shay and Sasha Pieterse are awful imo. Ashley and Troian have good and (really) bad moments.

My tour guide in Rome said many ancient Roman women lost their teeth and lips to poisonous makeup. I guess the trend isn’t so ancient! 

When will you libs learn? We don’t need government intrusion into business and regulation. We just need freer markets where entrepreneurs and small business can flourish.

It’s definitely a good show to binge. It’s got so many twists and turns that they’re hard to keep up with if you don’t watch straight through.

It’s a family rumour that my great-great-grandmother lead-based foundation’d herself to madness.

Such a bad actress.

Yup, this threw me off the whole time. Enjoyed seeing her on screen but her character makes no sense other than to basically pull off whatever nonsensical plot twist the writers couldn’t actually think their way through.

It hasn’t re-situated itself from the last time her head spun around 360 degrees.

No. Just no.

Here’s my possibly controversial opinion about the books: Hermione ending up with Ron was a TRAVESTY.