financial panther

I’ve had no kids but always had a finicky hyper bladder that doesn’t tell me I need to go until it’s almost too late. I just try to stay ahead of it, even more so at the moment because I’m one handed and god damned women’s pants are a pain in the ass to remove with one hand. But you know piss happens, deal with it,

To everybody flabbergasted about how Starbucks would not have a restroom, work in a cafe located in any big city and within a day you would understand. I worked at a cafe that although small, initially had a public restroom which was same one employees had to use. We constantly had homeless people come in, making no

I live in Manhattan and have an app on my phone that finds nearby public restrooms.

Why wouldn’t a COFFEE shop not have a goddamn public bathroom?

Maybe they’ll fuck up like a cheesy horror flick and summon this guy...

The officer was found to be not guilty, so I assume the $3 million is just for shits & giggles?

Thank you for pointing this out. This lady is only making the situation worse by yelling at people just trying to do their job. She’s like Facebook commenting in real time. She’s your aunt that you avoid at Thanksgiving.

As an obese chick, there are things I just. will. not do. I’m trying to get down to 200 so I can skydive. The weight limit is just a few lbs above what I weigh, but this is NOT the place to be prideful. Also, the rides at Busch have samples of the seats so you can see if you fit, and I have no problem checking to see

As someone who spent a number of years working at a Six Flags amusement park I can say this much: safety is no fucking joke at any of their parks. The park I worked at has had two deaths. One was the result of an obese patron who could not remove their safety belt when a boat capsized in waist high water. I worked

Awful! Why would you want pictures of a lost life? The callousness of some people is astounding.

I was once walking down the sidewalk in NYC and realized a bunch of people were standing in the middle of the street with their phones out and pointed up, taking pictures/video of something on the subway tracks above. I saw others walk up and point their phones up as well. It was like 2-3 dozen people with their

They just use those for bears.

I stayed inside and watched documentaries today and suffered no injuries.

Tommy Callahan? Big Tom Callahan’s son?

I definitely don’t understand the drive to film something like this. Do you want to catch a death live? See someone become paralyzed? Just to, what, post to FB? And her commentary was ridiculous.

The girl had to be messing around and somehow got completely outside the ride and couldn’t pull herself back in. I can’t imagine any other explanation on such a slow, enclosed ride. Kids!

Well don’t lean out of amusement park rides to take a selfie.

SAME. She’s really helping matters by filming this and being rude AF. If you’re so worried about that girl, YOU try and catch her!

In the 7th grade Tommy C had no interest in holding hands/potentially junior highish making out with me on a ride at Kings Island. I was so mortified I would have exited the ride any way possible, including jumping into the arms of bystanders. Might be projecting here. Dumb Tommy C.

I’m more upset with the woman filming than I am with anyone from the park.