financial panther

She doesn’t understand that the main character isn’t likable.

I haven’t seen it but it’s *insert grumpy cat meme* good that a shitty human being isn’t being further rewarded with visibility and money.

She’s a regular at my shop. She comes in usually in minimal makeup and dressed down, and always looks really (almost strikingly) lovely. And I am usually very against the overdone surgery look. I was actually surprised the first time she came in, because she looked way more “together” than I expected her to, based on

I honestly miss the days when I had no responsibilities and I could say “Who needs to save, I’m young, I’ll live forever or die beautiful” and that’s how I “afforded” a coke habit. Ah, young idiot.

I’m way too old for it and will never use it, but I’m acquisitive and had to have it the moment I saw it.

imagine being able to afford a coke habit, i cant relate to you guys at all

I totally agree that erring on the side of waiting is a good idea. (And frankly, I find “RIP Twitter/Facebook” to be a bit performative and annoying, so I try to avoid engaging in it altogether.)

Damn, ol’ Ric’s looking good! (He was my 7th and 8th grade Social Studies teacher.)

There are so many relatively minor reasons hospitals will keep babies or moms, if you have the insurance or money to pay for it. My Army hospital kept us five days after my twins were born because they were jaundiced and needed bilirubin lights. But most people I know on the civilian side got discharged after a day

I know South Park didn’t.

“As far as the people that were injured, it’s an absolute shame,’’ she continued. “You just want them to recover. Fortunately, the guy was a really bad shot. Liberals can’t even shoot straight.”

Yes that is usually what happens when you’re pregnant with twins, though occasionally they’ll eat their way out of the mother and declare war on humanity as well.

Disclaimer - still won’t buy her music. It’s not good.

Not gonna lie, if I was in the same situation, I probably would too.

Have I listened to nothing but Taylor Swift on Spotify for the last week? Maybe...(Definitely)

Me, too. She was guilty pleasure until “We Are Never Getting Back Together” and I realized she is sarcastic as hell and her sense of humor means we could be besties. I can only dream of having a platform that allows me to tell the world about all of the hot guys I banged and why they weren’t worthy of me...

Very funny - snort laugh even - but NOT shade.

She won me over because her music is bomb. She can do no wrong in my book. I just love her.

I’m here for the TS shade and approve of it because now I can listen to her music at work on Spotify instead of having to go through ITunes on my phone. It makes my life easier.

**Taylor is cunning and petty and she plays the long game.**