
And if this was about “I’ve been fat all my life, so even now that I live in this slimmer frame, in my mind, I’m still a fat girl” then by all means. But that’s not what she’s doing here. But she telling people that their low self esteem is getting in the way of her lady boner. Not cool.


She might, MIGHT qualify as “chunky” if she has no muscle tone at all and lives in a community made up entirely of WASP stereotypes.

Are we being punk’d?

This is my problem—okay sure, you see yourself as fat. But unless you ARE fat you don’t know what it’s like to live as a fat person in this country. Like she doesn’t get hated on just for boarding a plane and she doesn’t get ridiculed for having a slice of pizza in public and her body has not been called an

My face not only reading that specific line, but pretty much this entire article.

I always thought that was how the argument was framed, people of course said the men were unattractive, but the bigger point seemed to be men are allowed to be fat/older/ugly on TV but women must always be attractive.

Right? Sorry, but you don’t get that label, no matter how much you want it, ma’am. I seriously doubt she’s gone through half the stuff most fat women have. That’s some Rachel Dolezal-level shit.


Nothing against your comment in particular, but I miss the days when Jez discouraged talking about specific numbers. Now there will be a million comments about whether x height and x weight is really “fat.” Numbers tend to derail the discussion.

Do you realize how expensive it is without insurance? It IS a luxury. I had jaw surgery to correct an underbite when I was a teen and THANKFULLY my parents had insurance. It's really not cool to laugh at - I know how much it affected my self esteem and how people would stare at me. It sucked.

I can’t afford a dentist, and only recently got ACA coverage so I can see a doctor. I know you’re joking, but for a LOT of people orthodontia is most certainly a luxury.

Tell that to the insurance company.


I’ve been on the letter writer’s end of this. My boyfriend is unemployed and he’s trying to make things happen but he really just doesn’t know what he wants out of life. I’m the sole breadwinner, but we live modestly and we get by. And he takes care of housework and stays home and keeps our pets company and cooks me

Overall, bride seems very immature. She admits that she let her anger at fiancé pile up without telling him, which led to a temporary breakup. She seems to be letting her irritation at the cousin fester as well, and by letting fiancé in on a conversation that happened while they were broken up (which isn’t fair to

I urged my bestie to break up with her boyfriend once because he was being controlling and douchey and not meeting her halfway (literally - they were long distance and he refused to visit her bc he didn’t like the city we lived in, so she spent a lot of time visiting him and not building relationships where we lived)

With the wedding/cousin situation, the bride really needs to decide what she wants her relationship with her cousin to be. This is not about her fiance’s feelings about the cousin, this is about if the bride wants to forgive the cousin for having a moment of (too real) real talk, and resume their formerly superclose

But, I quote Step Brothers all the time and with other vagina having people! It’s the fucking Catalina Wine Mixer!!!

In one sense, I agree that the situations aren’t comparable. Davis refuses to act as the state performing a function of the state, when in reality the state itself does not have a freedom to religion. She has that job, she needs to do that job, full stop, or remove herself from the position of being a representative