
dang when I first read the story and heard that the accused women were around 16 at the time, I had assumed maybe they were either too drunk, high, or young to really remember what happened, but then you bring up the possibility that maybe they knew exactly what happened and then froze, and that opened up my mind. I

Not only that but I believe that Curry and Jett were most likely wasted out of their minds as well. I know that back in my drug addled days I was so wasted at parties where all kinds of crap was going down and I didn’t realize it until days later when the fog wore off. Then everyone would be too scared to go to the

I used to date a girl who lost her virginity at twelve with a guy who was 23. She told me she pursued him, that it was her idea, and that every time they had sex it was of her own volition. She never felt violated or assaulted then or now (she’s 22). To her it was a positive experience, and to this day they are still

And memory is notoriously unreliable. We don’t just remember—we hone the stories we tell about ourselves about our pasts.

Or hell, even say “I don’t know, I was so high during that party” instead of making her sound crazy for talking about it.

This is pretty much what I was thinking. As weird as it sounds, everyone could be telling the truth here, it’s just everyone has their own different interpretation of what that truth is. Since it happened to Jackie, it’s likely her memory of it is more vivid because it affected her more. If Joan and Cherie were there,

One of the sickest things about rape culture is the way it makes us all complicit. I literally do not know any women who didn’t experience that moment where something shady happened to a friend and they just stood there without helping. Maybe not always rape, but everyone I know has some moment like that, where

I think there’e another layer to it, too, because of the relationship the former members seem to have. I remember when Currie revised and republished her book, putting in it that Fowley pimped her out and had a “sex ed class” where he had sex with a young woman in front of the band. I read interviews Currie did and

I think that now, as badass, powerful women, they’d grab a chair. As naive 16 year old girls in the 70s? Not so much.

This sounds most likely to me too. If you look at news reports and court filings (and laws, for that matter) 30 years ago, it was such a massively different time.

It’s very possible that all of the named individuals were “there” when it happened, however, the rock n’ roll lifestyle is rife with booze, drugs, and generally not playing by the rules. Chances are it was just viewed as another wild party where things got really crazy. Maybe they saw something, but didn’t realize it

Exactly. I think they care more about their ~legacy~ to admit that they were sex objects first, musicians last. That is the damn truth. Aside from the fact that they were all underaged, of course, I have a hard time believing the rest of the girls didn’t also have less than enthusiastic sex, if not rape, with more old

I agree with this statement. There are several people commenting “I don’t understand what’s going on here.” ^^^^THIS is what’s going on here. A bunch of teenagers who were drunk and/or stoned and THEY didn’t know what was going on.

Let me tell you what was going on: A girl was raped in front of a bunch of people,

Sorry, I don’t buy that teenage girls- in an era when rape wasn’t as clearly defined as it is now- would’ve beat up an older man in a position of power who was capable of destroying their careers and reputations (not to mention capable of sexually assaulting them, too). A more realistic scenario is that they saw what

I'll take them any day over Lively/Reynolds, that's for sure.

She knows the struggle. :/

I’m really good at the painting but really awful about getting them messed up. Which is why I became really good at the painting. Vicious cycle.

That was perhaps the most endearing thing a member of the Jendashian clan has done on social media in a long time. I was born female and I still suck at painting my nails (and keeping them from getting messed up until they dry).


Like I said, I’m not that tall, but slap a pair of heels on me and I can be a little frightening. Tho people might just be frightened that I’ll fall on them. It’s interesting to me how average heights and sizes vary across the country. I live in Philly now, and it seems like most of the women I know and see around are