
Cynicism has left us blind. This is what people seeking office SHOULD do - stay in contact with and actually seem to give a shit about the people they’re claiming they want to lead. Take away all the donations and PACs and grossness about politics, and that’s really what it all comes right back to actually being about

The thing is now you can’t even say something like this and expect not to get attacked and called a homophobe (especially on Jez!) I agree with you. There are kids both straight and gay that know from day 1 their sexuality. I knew I liked boys in Pre-k. My cousin knew she liked girls in elementary although she tried

Right. Or, conversely, not teaching them heterosexuality. When you grow up in the 1980s, your formative years include these instructions of heterosexuality—how to date people, what to say to them, how not to pull their hair, etc. So invariably, if you’re a boy, you’re picking girlfriends and making out with girls. If

I do think there’s something to this notion of “teaching” kids about homosexuality. In the past, a lot of kids just felt like they didn’t fit somehow and it took a long time for them to get it sorted out. Now, they can look around and say “that’s the word for the thing I am experiencing and it’s something that other

I totally remember little oversexed boys in elementary school. I made out with my 5th grade boyfriend under his bed. My first marriage proposal was in 2nd grade. (Background: me, female; proposer, male). I made out with a different 5th grade boyfriend in the bushes. No clue if these boys were physically aroused, but

I don’t know about you but my first crush was around 5 or 6? Of course I didn’t fully understand the implications of attraction at that age, but I knew that some friends felt “special”.

I mean, it’s not a completely altruistic move, but it’s not blatantly self-serving and slimy. It’s probably a pretty big deal to this kid that Hillary Clinton is personally encouraging him, and it’s not like she was like “vote for me and I’ll make sure you have all the friends you could ever want! #Hillary2016”.

Ohh wow, ya she said something about her friends saying that the country going to hell and we should all move, I said oh hah yeah what to Canada? I was like your realize every country that you would be comfortable in, is more progressive than us right? But I didn't get really I it much besides that. The even weirder

Fundamentalist Christian street preacher, walked around downtown barefoot, raging drinking problem, 30 y/o virgin who was soooo creepy to women, compared homosexuality to pedophilia, disgusting eating habits and never cleaned/washed up, harassed my partners parents (who had nothing to do with the lease and lived 12

“Well, you know how many Catholic priests are gay. I can see where they’d want to be married in their own church.”

Jesus Christ, now there’s something wrong with that? This place is so judgy.

Run girl run. There is something bizarre about lying over such a minor thing, especially if you have spent a fair amount of time together at this point.

One of mine is terrified too. He’s basically dragged me home at a near run with his tail between his legs every time we leave the apartment because he’s so scared of fireworks. I’ve been using his patheticness as a way to justify the fact that I’m a loser and staying home by myself on the 4th of July, to comfort the

Slurpees and IT Crowd and making out? Sounds like the start of a great romance :]

OH! I did this earlier this week. BUZZ CUT!!!!:

At this point if I were Hillary Clinton I’d use “Roar” and bring along a couple of dancing sharks to my campaign events. This is why I’m not in politics.

It’s been a good week - today was sunny in spite of the fact that it’s summer in san francisco, I finished the first draft of my first novel after many starts and stops, and I baked this cake and am having people over tonight to eat it, among other things:

So.... no social tomorrow?

Mr. Birdy is out on the boat for a few weeks and Baby Birdy is teething. As soon as she goes to sleep for the night, I’m sitting on my porch and smoking a whole joint all by myself before playing Spider Solitaire in FUCKING SILENCE until I go to bed.

I’m going with my boyfriend to his parents’ house. They’re from middle of nowhere eastern Montana and are conservative as fuck about certain things, like gay marriage. His mom had an anti-gay marriage argument with my boyfriend and his brother over fb a few days ago. This weekend should be special. I'm just going to