
haha! that is SO adorable

My mom

Not the best quality (a photo taken of a photo in a photo album) but here’s some perfectly captured late-1980s/early-1990s “Family Summer Vacation” fashion. I am the one literally wearing a hat that says, “Epic.”

Check out my grandma and grandpa Westlake! Circa 1950s

My mom, circa 1960 or ‘61. She’s about seventeen here.

Also, fuck it, I’ll go there. She’s so despicable that I’ll go there. Have you ever seen a more punchable blind mole rat ass kind of face? Restrain me wise Emma.

The worst part of this, if there is one, is that this twit wants people to send her on her “dream honeymoon”.

Jesus. Hector. Christ. I hope someone proposes during her stupid fucking wedding. I hope everyone who’s not the bride wears white just to spite her. I hope her maid of honor gives a really mean, passive-aggressive speech. I hope her aunt gets too drunk and hits on the groom, and he goes for it.

We cancelled our wedding to protect our family and mourn the lives of those lost.

Yeh. Why don’t men start using JUST more?
I like being polite and softspoken sometimes.

I use “actually” and “kinda” A LOT. I keep typing it “I kinda like that though...” When in reality I like it, but I’m embarassed about it or think I’ll be called out about it. Or “actually I don’t think that is what happened” comes out of my mouth a lot so that no one gets mad at me for correcting them. It’s this

I talk like a girl AND I apologize a lot. I’m Canadian, though, and I don’t think it counts the same for us.

And if I have to read ONE MORE article about how everyone suddenly hates vocal fry, I’ma get myself a machine gun. Everybody just fucking stop. There is nothing wrong with the way women talk and write. Gaaaaaahd.

lulz. My boss despises small talk, and is constitutionally incapable of making it (his wife, a social butterfly and absolute delight, confirms this). The only time he says, “How are you?” is when he actually wants to know how you are doing.

I was writing a work email yesterday and was reading it over before clicking “send” and deleted my “just” from my sentence because I thought the same thing - that I sounded too tentative or even apologetic.

I actually think that the world would be a better place is more men did this, instead of fewer women. I’m no expert, but I just feel like it would sure take the sting out of ‘mansplaining’ and other such bullshit if people were a little less inclined to speak as if they knew everything, especially when they don’t.

I’m a senior member of my work group and work in a highly technical job, so when I’m explaining things to people, I regularly ask if what I’m saying makes sense. Often, people won’t stop and ask a question if they don’t understand something, so I stop and check periodically. I don’t say it in a condescending way. I’m

I’m tired of people telling me what words I can and can’t use at work. I’ve recently made a conscious effort to stop saying “sorry” for innocuous stuff, and people have commented that I come across as “terse” or “cold.” But if I say “sorry” for the innocuous stuff, then people would think I’m weak. So what the hell am

“In fact, inside, I feel a thousand percent sure of myself because if I didn’t know what I was talking about, I wouldn’t be talking.” Perfect

who, me?