
VENOMOUS! VENOMOUS! VENOMOUS! Sorry the zookeeper in me can't handle snakes being referred to as "poisonous". You eat poison, venom is injected. Also, this is very sad and I'm sorry for the snake. If this is recent, it probably got shocked by the cold. Snakes can go months without food, most species go into brumation

Did somebody say "pets grudgingly wearing foam reindeer antlers"?!

Yeah.. I deliver babies and I basically do the same thing.

but remember that old high school thing, that the more people talk about sex, the less they're actually having it.... food for thought

True story: I visited Sir Isaac Newton's family home, Woolsthorpe Manor, this summer, and walked into his bedroom to find a cat stretched out on the bed, being fussed by a bunch of kids. The room guide told me that the cat's name is Tiger, and he doesn't actually belong to the house - they took him to a local vet's to

Yep. The way I see it, many of the people who are still on Facebook are just the original users, who are now in their late 20s-30s and married with kids.

No, of course you don't have to have children to make a worthy contribution to society, I don't think anyone is saying that. But, and sorry to be blunt, this feels a bit knee-jerk and emotional. Maybe a feasible alternative for childfree people would be for them to go off and complete a project for 12 months that will

If you think taking care of an infant is like a vacation, you clearly do not have children.

My bf once scared me half to death by getting down on one knee and giving me a ring pop. He said the look on my face was priceless. Thank goodness we don't believe in marriage. I did tell him that I am totally cool with him buying me a diamond ring though. Just not if it's given in consideration of marriage.

That makes sense. I pretty much never look at wedding stuff or engagement videos because I don't find them interesting. I don't mind hearing about a friend's experience but I don't see the appeal of watching a stranger's elaborate production. So I'm out of the loop on this. But your aversion to Christmas

I dunno. I'm not saying a surprise is what you always need but a little bit of spontaneity would be nice. It's not necessary to have a big shiny ring in your pocket for it to be meaningful.

When my husband I got together, we had both gotten out of bad marriages and were really anti-marriage in general. Like pretend yelling "DON'T DO IT" to couples offending us by registering at the Target...juvenile shit like that. Then, after a few years, I said one day, "I don't think I want to get married, but if I

Congrats! When is the Big Day? (Just preparing you for the question you will hear like 12,456 times starting the second you actually get engaged.)

OMG I didn't even know I was dating someone! This is all happening so fast!

Congrats! And I agree - it just smacks of laziness and a lack of creativity. But hey, we all have our things!

Me too. Last holiday before the "when are you getting married" stage, and then the ever-popular "when are you having kids" stage. Can't wait.

My birthday is today. It's bad enough that Jesus gets all the attention. If my husband had proposed to me on Christmas Eve I might have said no.

A larger person as a fact takes up that amount of space. To violate someone's personal space it would have to be intentional.

Remember: Everyone should have known that Lindy was hungover, and been extra nice to her as a result.

You'd really call standing next to someone so that you can put your bag in the over head bin, violating someone's space??