
If it works for you, that’s great! I have no problem with it as a product, I just find it doesn’t do a whole lot unless you start using it the very first day there’s any sign of a cold sore...and most people, at least where I work, seem to wait a couple days before coming in for anything. Also it’s quite expensive!

This pharmacist agrees with you. I never recommend it.

I liked Logan too. He had some douchey moments but overall I enjoyed his character and I thought he was good for Rory’s development as a person. And you just cannot argue with that smile.

I have to google every few weeks/whenever I see a story about her, to remind myself whether Gaga is marrying Kitsch or Kinney.

WORST PICTURE EVER. I just started watching FNL on Netflix and this photo is like totally ruining all my feelings in my pants.

Good to know! Thanks :) And will be sure to take our time through the museum.

Going to Rome for my honeymoon in two months. Is it really that bad?!

Your name is apt, you are killing this comments section. I raise a glass to you (with my long giant arm and humongous man-hand)!

I pretty much only wear skirts and dresses. The advent of skinny jeans was actually a godsend because they don’t look so terrible being too short and/or I can tuck them into boots.

I’m 6’1 and a size 8, with small shoulders and long legs. I am “lucky” in terms of my physique as a tall woman, I guess I fall somewhat close to the range of what's considered conventionally attractive. And I STILL feel fucking gigantic and get called a man. People are the worst.

The average height for a woman is 5’4.

Yep. I’ve started straight-up telling people that it's rude and hurtful when they refer to me as “huge”. Ummm nope. I’m tall. Not huge, not massive, not gigantic. My former eating disorder called, it says Fuck You.

Thank you for this. I know it’s petty, but can I add how much it fucking pisses me off when short women complain about having to get their pants hemmed?? Wow, a $10 trip to the tailor, that’s rough. How about get back to me when you’ve invented a way to magically ADD MORE FABRIC to the bottom of my pants.

Ah yes, The Kennedy Package.

Yessss so good for hiding roots! I have never tried the tinted version, I've never seen those ones here. But that's good to know in case I ever come across it. Will not buy.

Yessss so good for hiding roots! I have never tried the tinted version, I've never seen those ones here. But that's

I love this comment and I love your name. I call my cats Nerdlingers all the time.

Bleached blonde co-signing this!

Bleached blonde co-signing this!

I use Batiste and yeah, I probably go through a can every month. It's so cheap though, I don't really care! :)

I use Batiste and yeah, I probably go through a can every month. It's so cheap though, I don't really care! :)

I have really fine hair too. I usually lift my hair up in sections and spray right at the roots, then brush it out. Don't use too much at once. Focus on the roots on either side of your part, and the crown and back of your head. Also blasting your roots with a hot blowdryer for a few seconds can give some extra lift

I have really fine hair too. I usually lift my hair up in sections and spray right at the roots, then brush it out.

I have loved her in a half-ironic way for years (when I was 25 I may or may not have had a giant Hannah Montana door poster hanging on the entrance to my apartment for months) but daaaamn girl is making me proud these days.