
As a child-free woman I really dislike the mentality of how some other CF people can be really ugly regarding mothers.

Oh, you know - breast feeding is PURE and shit. It’s not child abuse to feed your baby formula and I know that some women can’t breast feed but some sects of society will make sure that you know how terrible you are for choosing differently.

Probably because your husband actually loves and respects you.

You need a brain. If you think that those animals would survive outside of zoos then you don’t know what you’re talking about. So, yes - if you don’t want species to go bye-bye then yes, we need zoos that will help conservation efforts.

I had something similar happen but it was during school. Mean girls are the worst. I’m sorry.


Your ex is a dick. You deserve better. He’s not a good man in the slightest.

Amazing how one thing can be changed and you’d look totally different.

Except I don’t feel bad for her. She made a choice to help him rape others. She’s a traitor to women and should be burned at the stake.

Fuck him. This is an example of someone who shouldn’t breed and that goes for his girlfriend. What a disgusting person to have children with that rapey fuck. She’ll get what she deserves. I can’t even feel sorry for the babies because they’ll probably grow up to be rapey motherfuckers as well.

...bleach enemas? WHAT?

Boo-fucking-hoo. You had them. You’re responsible for them. Now go and get a job with a steady income instead of “free-lancing” which is really meant to supplement your income not BE your income.

That’s horrible.

People do that? Why? Why? Why? WHY?