
I -really- miss tiny, cheap, simple cars. I hope they come back in some form.

Ohmygod Alfa Romeo is dead. Just let it die. Ditto Maserati. Ditto Jaguar. Ditto so many brands that had their heyday back in the 70s and 80s. Just let them die.

Check out this feature list:

I give police officers all the credit in the world

The old stereotype was “tapping” your taillight w/ the baton & saying “sir, you have a broken taillight”.

This is money laundering, right?

To make it look legit. Something tells me, the coke dealer tells multiple trusted millionaires at the auction and whoever buys it, gets the Snowman. Because this doesn’t make any sense. That low mile’d Evo 8 that sold for six figures was more special than a base C6.

Yeah, but then you'd be seen in a Tesla.

I’m 42, I’ve owned 5 cars with manuals. The joke isnt funny and tells us everything we need to know about the kind of person the owner is. I’m guessing his Harley is the fastest thing in town too.

I say ND because of the owner. “Millenial anti-theft device”? And instead of actually replacing the headliner - with the kit HE ALREADY HAS - he just sticks a piece of wood - sorry, “milled ash” - up there.

Hey, just because you’re not a chickenshit coward afraid of your own shadow and will fire at anyone or anything because you’re so paranoid doesn’t mean... er.. shit, I don’t know how to finish this sentence, so I’m just gonna end it...... here.

This country’s gun culture is fucking off-the-rails absurd. 

Why isn't he facing criminal charges? Oh right, badge = license to kill

All it’s depriving us of is 30 year old Ford Explorers, which would have rotted out by now anyways. No one was mothballing those.

The lack of 30 year old gas guzzlers is what is driving up the price of used cars now?

He doesn’t have a business that he needs to pay “protection money” for. 

$9 isn’t even like one banana.

Fair punishment would be to drop them off right in the middle of an uncontrolled blaze and let them fight their way out of it. Unsupported, of course. 

I popped my headlights out, wet sanded them, polished, UV blocking clear coated, buffed, clear coated again, buffed again.

I mean, why not just give the people what they want: