
Republicans are more invested in the so-called culture war than actually doing any legislating and governing. While I don’t think this bill would ever pass, the idea that Wyoming politicians introduced it would mean that they get to stay in office even longer because they are 100% pandering to their voter base.

It’s always funny when tiny little pip-squeak states like Wyoming and the Dakotas think that their opinions on these things matter in comparison to states like California and New York, which are actual global economic powerhouses. is my favorite online calculator for auto loans (the one in Tom’s snapshot above). So easy to just sit there and input the dealers offers in front of them while discussing their financing versus external.

Because of course the industry will have shills to promote lies about their product. As long as we continue to allow obvious lying from places such as Faux News, then the fossil fuel industry has a legal precedent for disinformation.

Propane pitch people on TV? I’m “shocked”.

It’s the 1835 equivalent of dumbass republican politicians taking “The Onion” articles as fact. And it’ll never stop being funny to me.

This is just Big Beet trying to stay relevant in the mainstream. But we know it’s an industry that’s riddled with nepotism and shady practices.

That’s way, way, way down the priority list, seeing as it doesn’t rain heavy enough or often enough to justify the expenditure. It’s like saying they need a fleet of snow plows. Just in case.

My goodness does that make me all warm and fuzzy. Fuck people scalping brand new cars. 

Now with all the discounts applied you can get into a cool T car in the high 30's that needs no gas, needs little maintenance, updates itself, and is not slow.

Initial E

Except minivans have a smaller cross-section / frontal area than most SUVs. And they are lower to the ground. Air rushing under the vehicle is one of the biggest contributors to poor aero, so you want minimal ground clearance while still being practical.

Tesla’s valuation…

Yup, it is happening in real time. CL ad for a just delivered Model Y and screenshot of one in inventory for immediate delivery in the same area.

BuT THAt waS teH PlaN ALl aLOnG!!!! DISruPTion!!!!1

For real, Tesla had a 10 year lead on EVERYONE, but in the last 3 years that same EVERYONE caught up and surpassed them

Polestar would like a word with you...

What did Mel Gibson do exactly to earn that redemption?

Grigorieva: I don’t, I don’t, I don’t walk around in tight clothes, I stay at home for most of the time.

Because when I think about Mardi Gras, and the culture, Mel Gibson is the first thing that comes to mind.