Imagine being the kind of person that could afford to spend money just to get a receipt that proves you paid money to get a receipt associated with a URL anyone in the world can access.
Imagine being the kind of person that could afford to spend money just to get a receipt that proves you paid money to get a receipt associated with a URL anyone in the world can access.
I was under the impression most of these celebrities were essentially paid to buy these, make them seem more valuable than they are.
That ubiquitous flat gray lately. BLEAH
I was really hoping for...
I like that they are offering a new color... but I’m generally not a fan of paints with no metal flake, no pop. I’ve seen a couple like Toyota’s orange and dark green that have no flake and still look pretty decent, but greys and tans and the like... I’m not a fan.
Not the NDs but the NA/NB/NC all had variations of green. Some more traditional BRG up to metallic greens (I believe the highland green was same as the Mustang Bullit of same year on the NC models)
This is, no snark intended, an excellent color for a truck. A Miata? Nah.
ah yes, all the kids are clamoring for beige.
And that’s why you don’t let Tim Allen write. Guess we’re headed for another round of mediocre white people whining on video that Jesus’ face isn’t on Starbucks’ red holiday cups.
If I become “anti-woke”, whatever the fuck that is, will Tim Allen give me cocaine for Christmas?
Windmills, primarily, but also some straw men.
I usually say “Merry Christmas” when it’s literally Christmas and something about the holidays when I’m talking about the general season. It’s, you know, not hard.
Some people don’t care what other people think of the vehicle they drive.
Walker is really hitting a whole new level of projection. I mean, I guess he just doesn’t understand how stupid he looks. When the story of the first abortion he pressured a woman into dropped, he went up to tell a story about a bull impregnating a bunch of cows. Now he’s claiming Warnock doesn’t support his own kids.…
I was worried that Toyota wouldn’t be able to keep the Prius relevant in a world where virtually everything they make either has a hybrid option or only comes in a hybrid. The Corolla Hybrid, in particular, poses a threat because it’s a compact-class sedan with more-conventional styling and a cheaper price tag. I was…
actually looks really nice
ah yes, the aesthetic brilliance of the parking lot will be affected no end! /s
I think it might have to do with solar panels being socialist works of the Anti-Christ. ( Accordining to the book of Koch, Manchin, et al)
I don’t know why we don’t do this in California. There are so many areas with giant hot parking lots that serve no purpose most of the time. With them being covered in solar your guests get to enjoy cooler car interiors and the facility is generating power during the day.