
No worries. It has Eco right in the name. 

Cue the self-immolations from people improperly transporting fuel in 3..2..1..

They were only crap by American standards, but Americans are dumb and believe they should get a Cadillac for $4K. If you maintained a Yugo, it would last forever. But, again, Americans were too stupid to figure out how to maintain them. You do know what a jalopnik is, right? If you want to read about boring shit,

I was selling Nissans in 1886

hell i drove this all night every night for years packed with people and bumped 10's with my Clarion deck haha, never a fright, so i’ll take all your money... i drove from CT to NM, mostly at night in 3 days, not a problem...

One thing about Yugos: Whenever I see them placed on an “ugly cars” or “ugliest cars” list/book, I immediately conclude that the author has no credibility. They simply include the Yugo out of sheer laziness.

Of all the problems the Yugo arguably had, styling was not one of them. It’s a very conservative, aesthetically

Yeah but this way the fossil fuel industry can help the GOP sweep the midterms and usher in our inevitable future as an authoritarian petro-state.

Like how many of them were available? 5?

Naaahhh... A certain CEO tried the “Stick to Sports” angle on the Kinja sites some time ago, after his company bought it all and shut down Deadspin in retaliation for saving the majority of American local television outlets from Trump’s people.

Yup... and with ‘reports’ like this is how the anti-BEV crowd likes to spread FUD about BEVs.

The example in the WaPo article that you quoted was an iron mine, the product of which is obviously not exclusive to EVs. You know this, and I know this, and I’m sure most people reading this site know this. But a lot of people that read the source article will either not know this, or not care, or miss the part where

Time to see a bunch of lifted-bro! diesel trucks on the road with hoarded diesel swimming pools in their truck beds

Fear mongering at its finest. 

Cue panic buying in 3.....2.....1.....

about 2 months ago, one of our dealerships had a Ram stripped in a compound, the culprits COVERED the interior with..................cement. We were told it was to soak up blood and fingerprints and make it extremely hard to pull evidence.

You didn’t know that Mercedes-Benz cars grow on trees? The previous homeowner was simply planting an MB tree.

Darla: Jerry, what in the fuck are you doing??

so the bot problem he wanted to buy it to fix and weasel out of because it was bigger than he expect isn’t such a big deal if he doesn’t need a lot of staff to fix it?

Candy Corn is the worst candy.