
Reminds me of the Simpsons episode where he was a guest in it. It did not age well.

Can't wait to see the "I burned down my CT trying to torch my panels" YouTube video.

I love me some spinning Doritos but Mazda needs to just give up on them. They aren’t the future. Spend that money to make a decent hybrid car or EV. 

Same here. I grew during the JDM boom and this was a regular thing when people were building JDM spec cars. This was actually when the OEM+ style started to become more popular and people started to get away from bodykits and neon lights.

How bout both? Get a NC miaYatchta for like $15k and save the rest for a house.

What a cool little car. If it was any other manufacturer I’d be all over it, tossing my wallet at the reservation screen. But I’ve read nothing but awful things about VinFast. If their $50k cars drive like ass, then I can't I'm what their $20k car drives like.

Shouldn't be too hard but then again look at the USPS monstrosity. 

Yea the price seems crazy to me. But I’m sure there are only a handful of manufacturers that are building EV buses. It’s just weird to me none of the auto manufacturers with proven EV tech hasn’t built something. Just take the F150 lighting drivetrain multiply it by 2 subtract all but one motor and bam, EV bus for

Middle school me would have whatever poster that came with the Import tuner. Probably liberty walk or rocket bunny GTR or something.

I would've bought one, but I don't have any money. 

I would buy a shirt or print with that heartbeat slogan but the car needs to be a Chevy Celebrity wagon.

Hey hey there, these trucks don’t discriminate. Plenty of males of other ethnicities participate in brodozering.

I got some water spots on the van that I've been wanting to clean off, maybe I'll finally get around to it once it warms up.

Kinda like a pug, so ugly it's cute. 

Yea that Hakone green 86 is a beautiful color. God, I wish these cars came in green.

They look like cheap toys you get at the dollar store.

We just used hotwheels at my house. Some hot glue and ornament hangers is all you need for a nice ornament and instead of a train there is a track that spirals down from the top of the tree. We also decorate the hotwheels too. This year my hotwheel is a Mitsubishi Pajero Evo with knockoff real riders with a Christmas

Has he mentioned adding thrusters on the cybertruck yet? 

I can’t wait for someone to tell him he should buy Disney so he could fire Bob. Then he’ll realize despite being the richest person on the planet he can't buy Disney, so he'll get mad and buy Warner Brothers or something and try to make his own anti-woke media empire.