
My neighbor down the street just bought an EP3, I wish Honda would’ve stuck to that formula of the hatch Si. Having the new Si being sedan only blows. 

That Shelby replica is like, “I think I took a wrong turn into Flavortown.”

No one ever complained about it’s performance. It was the lack of visibility and the ugly front that made it a weak seller. Most people don’t buy these cars because of their performance, they buy them because of their looks. 

Dealership advocates be like, "tHeyRe ProVidiNG A vALuaBlE seRviCe" 

Shhhh. Let people to continue to think that they’re underpowered pigs to keep prices low.

Trypophobia intensifies.

Shipping container wars.

Being Texas I could see nothing happening to him and he will wear this incident as a badge of honor. He’ll brag about it to his friends and they will proceed to roll coal on bicyclists and anyone who looks like a lib. Him and that Rittenhouse kid will have their own show soon on Fox news' new conservative youth

“ It’s not flying, it’s falling with style.”

I never got NFTs, right click save image as, and you have a copy of the image and can use it as much as you want for personal use. A real painting on the other hand, has different textures and can be viewed from different angles, something you can’t replicate on screen.

Hes actually not wrong in this current market though...

Ditto on the no car payments. My wife wants to replace the mazda5 with a new Sienna but the once undesirable minivan has become desirable in this market and there are no good deals anywhere. I just tell her imagine taking $350-400 a month from what we do, ie eating out, ordering random shit off Amazon, etc and stop it

We were stationed in Japan at the time and I don’t recall them off base, they did have anti drift strips in certain places up in the mountains. There was a few in base and we would just avoid them.

Reminds me of my friend's old car. Whenever he would turn on his blinker his car would start to act up. I took a look and whoever owned it before ran some wires in the wheel well and his car was so low that the tire rubbed off a lot of the protective coating on the wires. So whenever he turned his blinker on, or took

At least the turn signals are in the right spot unlike the Bolt. 

I wish that manufactures would people review the base trims. I mean I get why they don’t, but anyone looking at an Outlander is probably looking at the 26k one not the 40k one.

The Toyota Century uses wool because it is the best material for interiors. I don’t know why people started to associate luxury with leather, but wool/decent cloth seats > leather any day. 

And that instant torks. 

Im just waiting for someone at Amazon to turn the driver seat into a makeshift toilet. Just remove the seat, add a 5 gallon bucket and toilet seat and shit and piss while you're driving. 

My wife got the booster and she's essentially a wifi hotspot.