
And the arms! The arms were so teeny!

"you should see the arrow reddit"

It's going to be Donna Smoak.

I agree, a properly aimed knife from behind could kill anyone.

He's also really good at being a bodyguard. I was really confused that he let the Snakes get anywhere near Doran without having them searched for weapons, or allowing one of them to stand behind him.

Oh dear, I forgot how bad that was.

I was really hoping to see him smack down the Sand Snakes with it.

They're only lethal because their magic power is to toss the Idiot Ball to anyone they talk to.

La Pipe, you wall-eyed slab-sided Dutch-built bugger!

Sir! You have debauched my sloth!

It's not really Battlefront and it's not Battlefield, either.

I think DICE made two big mistakes with this game: Firstly, lack of balance. Not much to say there since it's been talked about.

That's even worse!

It's because he was left up to your imagination, with a very healthy helping of hints- he seems to have a history with Vader, he tracks the good guys to Cloud City, and he talks back to Vader without getting choked. Combine that with the cool armor, and that's enough to get any ten year old's imagination in overdrive.

Welcome to internet polls.

Don't bother seeing the third one. The first and second did a few of the memorable book scenes really, really well, but by the third I was just waiting for it to be over.

"It's seemingly implied that Palpatine ordered the creation of the clone army by placing the order under the name Syfo Dias, which is barely an abstraction of his Sith name. So we're meant to believe he was behind all of that. Except that it turns out that Syfo Dias was a real Jedi. So what the fuck? Did Palpatine put

Now that you mention it, that's what I really liked about the first Clone Wars series. Episode II just says, "Hey, remember that great story about when Obi-Wan fell into that nest of Gundarks? Well, too bad, since we're going to skip that and show you some politics with a painfully awkward romance subplot."

The torture droid in Jabba the Hutt's palace had a female voice. Can that count?

It just wasn't a very hoopy ship, though.