
I only remember one thing being measured for it's speed in Hitchhiker's, which is:

George Lucas is great at building up bad guys.

A moment of silence for those poor souls stuck working in that gift shop.

We witnessed them.

"It's just a few rabbits. Not like they'll survive long in fucking AUSTRALIA, anyway."

It's been a while since I've read the books, but didn't the Eagles do quite a bit of the 'vanquishing' bit themselves?

Especially if you try to listen to the subs. They still use the woman who voiced kid Goku.

Porco Rosso and Castle of Cagliostro for sheer fun.

Until Joss gets in the news for throwing a Spirit Bomb at someone then I will remain skeptical.

No Woodhouse, no Milton?

I interpreted Archer's indifference to a massive hangover, but this is probably more likely.

That makes more sense. Otherwise I would be tempted to call you a 100% dick.

"Ah ah ah, you didn't say the magic word!"

But is it a magical Liopleurodon?

I work with hawks. Every day I'm struck by how similar they are to the Jurassic Park raptors.

"What about the BOUS's?"

Oh god, Kuvira's Valvrave.

They can go join Jet in the Off Screen club.

And please throw in some discussion on Galactic Senate trade committees while you're at it?

I don't know, Azula took over with some style.