Survivor? It all started with Real World and Road Trip.
Survivor? It all started with Real World and Road Trip.
Better he’d have been Hillary’s “house negro”?
I didn’t say a damn thing about whatabout anything. That’s the typical shit people like you love to throw out justify your bullshit. At least use the stupid shit correctly.
I agree that he shouldn’t go on NRA TV but some of these takes are straight shit. Black people love to pile on don’t we? First off Sanders doesn’t have anything to do with this. A black man that supported him has the right to have his own opinions on shit. And this is one that they openly disagreed with each other on.…
But can I still talk about how Clinton tried to label my peer group super predators and folks tried to gloss over it? Or do I have to pretend that didn’t happen?
Obviously Twitter is another thing Deion couldn’t tackle…
Can we stop getting Shane matches? Please? Please? Pleasssseeeee?
Have*punch*you*punch* tried *punch*restarting*punch*it*punch*yet?
Hell yeah. Love to shout and gesticulate at my coworkers until we have to be pulled apart and separated. It’s how you know things are harmonious in the workplace.
Actually it was “How’s Annie?” typed over and over and over again. I figured she’d get the Twin Peaks reference. Maybe smearing it with toothpaste and blood was too much?
She appreciates Legally Blonde on a much deeper level than you.
In fairness, they’re now free of the horror of having an effective black quarterback. They’re now free to draft a somewhat less effective but super scrappy white dude the fanbase can pin all their hopes on until week 5 or so when they realize he sucks.
psst. he’s black.
This, in my opinion, is why WWE has lost its luster. The mic skills on most of these people are just downright pitiful. Go back 10-15 years and it’s a completely different story. The only promo worth watching is when Jericho gets on the mic.
Man that is messed up, and right after he shoots Richie Incognito, I really think we need to take his guns away from him.
Pacquiao was robbed, but fortunately for Horn, robbing is one of the few crimes that Pacquiao hasn’t recommended hanging someone.
“He died doing what he loved.”
That bull is getting laid tonight. Never will have to buy a drink at the bar ever again.