I took more time trying to finish Demon Knight than he did working on his joke!
I took more time trying to finish Demon Knight than he did working on his joke!
Turns out it doesn’t take much to be Branson’s top intellectual.
You don’t think he was a Sabu? Why wouldn’t he take pride in an Arabian face-buster?
Do the Processors know yet that there’s not a playoffs draft that they advance in by losing this series?
Yeah, but it was still goaltending.
I’m not ruling out that Haberman went into this initially thinking it was Michael Wolff who was at the WHCD.
At least it does after a couple rails.
It just also happens to be the same mentality found when an 0-12 quarterback yells at a cop asking him to perform a Brethalyzer test, “DO YOU KNOW WHO THE FUCK I AM?!”
That, or given his budding persecution complex, he’s already working on his right wing AM radio show.
At least in sharing a division with the Bengals and Browns, he can continue his streak of putting up big numbers against underperforming teams.
What a disappointing debut for brand new NBA ref Don Timaghy.
Being the weak link in a quintet is in Kevin Love’s DNA.
So, it was goaltending, then.
The Dead (Inside) Man
I, for one, find it hard to believe a company run by a friend of Donald Trump would ever take money from morally questionable foreign leaders.
I’m sure the NBA official take is, “C’mon, you think we’re gonna waste another series on the Milwaukee market? This is for ratings, people!”
A lot more people need to see Robot Ninja.
Who would have imagined obliviousness from the woman who brushed off the presidential daily briefing that began “Bin Laden Determined to...”?
He was so wise and kind, the way he tried to suck up for a Trump cabinet position.
Can we get a hold of book reports from both of these “student athletes?”