True, but I thought it was universally accepted at the get-go that nothing good would ever come from that.
True, but I thought it was universally accepted at the get-go that nothing good would ever come from that.
Still waiting for a good thing to come about as a result of reality television. So far, it’s a perfect eighteen-year losing streak that began with Survivor.
Nothing about Verrit?
Marvin Lewis’s expression: “I don’t understand how I’m here, either.”
Winner: The idea that whoever wins the tournament has the best four-week streak of luck.
I forget. Why should Donna Brazile not be believed? When was she excommunicated from being a woman of color? Was it when she betrayed the white woman who planted hot sauce in her bag to distract from her benefiting from the private prison industry?
Just last year I became a huge fan of Scott Walker, just over 15 years since Pulp referenced him.
For a not-Bo-Jackson baseball player, Deion Sanders was a good football player.
Because when I think concern for workers’ wellbeing, the former employers of Owen Hart, Eddie Guerrero, and Chris Benoit come to mind.
Say hello to my little vagina.
How does one compare American Psycho’s movie to its book without the word “Habitrail” once?
Are we all agreeing to act shocked when this tanks?
So, a winless season is what he was trying to avoid saying.
Lo síento, amigo, but UMBC spent all the world’s underdog mojo yesterday.
Everyone in the NFL knows you can’t get away with what Burifict does without being a Patriot.
Utah has jazz in its history somewhere?
Something tells me Jazz fans are well versed in crying of the plight of Europeans.
I look forward to the “Let’s Agree to Not Recognize Why Can’t I Breathe As One of My Songs, Okay?” tour.
So IT’s looking to save some money and buy a full set of dentures? Not shabby, given he’s already got a senior citizen’s hip.
“It was really...(“really” 14,995 more times) quite awful.”