
Tribute bands: because looking for and listening to stuff you’re not several decades familiar with is awful hard!

At least Rondo can pass.

If you’re still watching the Olympics, you’re not helping.

So, ECW on SciFi, then?

Congratulations. You’ve created the ECW that WWE ran on the SciFi Channel for a cup of coffee.

I know. This likely means Belichick has watched video of you in those trunks.

YouTube figure skating reviewer has to be at the least a finalist for Least Necessary Person Alive.

If there were any problems with the sex scenes in the Atlas Shrugged movies, I’m sure they and any other problems have since been blamed on poor non-white people.

If there’s anything more boorish and self-absorbed than a harassing man, it’s a famous person trying to be a musician, too. Go jam with Joe Scarborough and Russell Crowe.

So, when do we discover Fitzgerald’s ties to a white nationalist group that loves Taytay?

Dismissing somebody as a “hater” is an acceptable form of gaslighting.

“Many sides”

Or even inherently smart, as Ben “Fetchit” Carson has proved.

Is it any coincidence the GOP welcomes failed tradesmen who believe they’d have done better in their trade if there weren’t so many rules?

LOL at SRV fans getting pissed about somebody doing to his statue what he did to the blues.

That Bruschi comment has to hurt. When you lose the respect of a guy who ‘roided himself into a stroke and out of the NFL...

If nobody eats literal shit pizzas, how is Papa John’s still in business?

When the Mavericks intentionally lose, it’s known as Shark Tanking.

Where are the fathers?

I’m sure he can find some non-white to blame for his film’s lack of success.