Jeff Bezos: world’s biggest deadbeat.
Jeff Bezos: world’s biggest deadbeat.
And lotto tickets are their 401(k).
He was just remarking on how near the opposing line was.
Does it affect your judgment if you knew the makeup artist got the nod only after the caterer turned it down?
And a total of eleven teeth.
You know, you can ignore white trash when they do racist things. Do journalists realize that? Or, is some media mogul getting rid of frequent flyer miles sending drives of reporters to wonder agog why someone with a sub-living wage job, four kids from three mothers, and a pill habit to support may rage-quit in life…
Also, cheating; shameless, repeated, flagrant cheating.
How have you not addressed CNN personality and too-old-for-Fox-News-now-blonde Alyson Camerota ripping up your GQ piece to the thrill of thirsty access “journalist” Maggie Haberman? Where’s the clap back?
He had to have a hard time believing a dog would stay on the court for such a long stretch in a game without an injury.
So, the coaching job’s available for LeBron, too.
My search for the other members of Ben Folds Five remains fruitless.
I still prefer his hilarious golfing videos.
The obvious conclusion to draw from this is that Dan Harmon has been Deadmau5 all along.
So, why was Q paid five grand to interview Petty? And “Come on, it’s ______!” can be argued on behalf of every mega-label classic rocker whose radio play outpaces their popularity. Come on, it’s Supertramp!
Up to “Great Wide Open,” sure. But why were stations and the like still putting him on heavy rotation after the fact when he began sounding a tad bit stale? Perhaps Jian Ghomeshi could have answered that while in Malibu.
When can we finally admit that Tom Petty benefited from payola throughout his career?
Like Mike Brown always says, if it’s broke, but fixing it would cost more money, don’t fix it.
Nonsense, there are plenty of moderate Republicans running the Democratic Party.
This is, indeed, his day of Reckoning.
Ozark is great if you imagine it as an Arrested Development season.