Much like the Gary Payton/Karl Malone Lakers.
Much like the Gary Payton/Karl Malone Lakers.
Are people who pronounce it wrong also booted out as a result of Brexit?
“Hey, remember when we acted like we thought what Dubya was doing was wrong?”
Finally. More music for Bob Seger fans who also enjoy methamphetamine.
Can’t help his pro prospects that the last UofL QB to go pro became Mr. Glass down to the even detail of wearing purple.
There’s oversight in Wall Street?! Wonder if Teddy believes in Santa Claus, too?
Sure, without the tough discipline of Brittany Wagner to whine, “GUYYYYYYS!” while players cut class in her office, this was bound to happen.
It’s a depressing look at how depressingly shitty college sports and small towns are. Like if the town in The Last Picture Show had a diploma factory.
So, it’s the Kevin Steen vs. ROH storyline with newer, older names!
You mean Chris Nova’s old get-up?
Pitch Perfect 3: The Legend of Curly’s Vibrato
Now she can finally take the grandkids to DisneyLand.
“Uhhhhhh....I dunno. Do porn?”
I’m looking forward to the life lesson Chewbacca Mom offers us in a decade.
There is no better symbol for white privileged entitlement than this bloated, hung over embarrassment to his father’s name. Imagine if inheritance taxes had forced Bocephus to work for a living rather than cheapen his father’s legacy!
Nothing different. Now, make a version in which the attacks are carried out by a Vietnamese senior citizen...
I look forward to them joining the McDonald’s gimmick band and the Ned Flanders gimmick band for the (Elbow Nudge) Get It? Get It? Get It? Festival.
That’s an obvious copy of a letter sent to Charlie Strong a few years back.
Who the hell is Jesse Plemons?! You mean Fatt Damon in the chair?
You try that move where you hold one leg like a hoop and jump the other leg through it in your late 40s. You’ll fall mightily, too.