
I guess the Confederacy won after all.

Looks like Race Bannon; governed a state fond of race-bannin’...COINCIDENCE????

To be fair, though, Washington humiliating Atlanta is a time-honored tradition.

The Hawks are the least existent franchise? I believe that honor goes to Lew Alcindor’s team.

It’s like I’m watching the Western Kentucky University career of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Jr. all over again.

Calapari wouldn’t guarantee him a starting spot, huh?

My gut is already clenching in the nervous anticipation of the way in which Stephen A. Smith’s take on this will include a “...BUT!”

Somebody couldn’t afford to go to the same college that Aaron Hernandez got a free ride into. It’s not the ballers that society is failing.

I was hoping to learn he stole that photo from a Jets fan.

Manu Ginobili was so shocked by this reffing he fell backwards three feet as if he were propelled, but nobody was even close to him.

Just in time for Jimmy Dolan to write and perform a blues song just for him!

He must have had a bitter departure from the Knicks way back in the day and is just now seeing a multi-year conspiracy come to fruition.

You’d think these guys could place some bets on these games they’re fixing so that they don’t have to pick up extra work. Or, is this job for appearances’ sake?

Too soon. The typical Rock fan will think each time seeing him on TV, “Okay, what shitty movie is he plugging now?”

He’ll do for politics what Hulk Hogan did for race relations; what Dwayne Johnson did for acting; what Brock Lesnar did for MMA; what CM Punk did for MMA; what Chris Jericho did for rock music; what Ric Flair did for financial planning; what JBL did for cable news broadcasting; what Bill Goldberg did for pro

You think her talking gets her work?

She’s what happens when you cross a stripper with a comments section.

There’s a longstanding tradition of scripted sports entertainment thriving in the Northeast. The NFL is simply following WWE’s example.

“Yeah! Throw the book at THEM!”

It worked for Steve Austin.