LOL. That definitely doesn’t seem worth it!
LOL. That definitely doesn’t seem worth it!
I think it closed and weirdly I think it wasn’t even vegan
It’s one of the reasons why we need new blood in the leadership in both the House and Senate. These guys have been there for so long that they’ve lost touch. They don’t really have their finger on the pulse of the American people. And they don’t really know how to lead the American people down a path towards their…
You sit there in Washington so frightened of the big, bad Republican machine you have no idea what people are thinking. I’m telling you right now, Tom DeLay is going to lose in his district. If Democrats in Washington haven’t got enough sense to OWN the issue of political reform, I give up on them entirely.
She rich, her appearance is "bespoke"
She’s one of God’s less killy angels. There are others He sends when a city has to be murdered, but this one gets sent out to torment the faithful with allergies. His ways are very mysterious.
I have to bless you for this. I spent several years of my childhood in Idyllwild and never heard anything about this until now. I don’t know what it’s like now but when I was a kid it was an absolutely lovely town and just the place to elect a golden retriever.
Oh come on. She’s not tone deaf, that’s such a weird extreme to go to. We have legitimate qualms with her outfit and sense of propriety, and you’re trying to take it to “and she can’t even sing!” Why?
In fairness, I think she's polling at less than 1% now. Even Mayor Max, the golden retriever mayor of Idyllwild, CA would be polling better than that if his handlers had inserted him into the presidential race.
What a moronic comment. Do you see the shit people in congress are getting away with on a DAILY basis? Was this ugly? Sure. But don’t sit there and pretend like this woman was unfit to serve because she had an affair and a rocky marriage. That’s just being disingenuous..
I honestly don’t understand what the problem is. If. As long as you’re not licking the seat you’ll all be just fine. And as far as “what about the children?!” I’m sure you could explain a dance move to them. They played her song while she was there and you expect her to NOT twerk? As far as I can tell, beyond some of…
What her ex did was a hell of a lot more than just “wrong”. It’s downright despicable. Publishing nude photos of your ex in a concerted effort to destroy her career and personal life all because she had the audacity to leave a toxic relationship? Beyond unforgiveable. Because in doing that he’s not just screwing with…
Yeah, I really love Lizzo, but I can’t help but imagine how different the tone would’ve been if it had been Miley.
That’s a pretty bold gauntlet to throw, but maybe you’re right.
Plus, there’s zero chance Jezebel would take a charitable tone toward a woman doing this if she were smaller than Lizzo.
Are we sure that she’s not a traveller from a parallel universe? Someone who experienced a different history to the rest of us
Yeah. This sounds about right. She’s basically every one of my aunts on social media.
Passive-aggressive jabs at your ex on social media is not a good look
Mara Wilson explains why in detail. Miley ticks every box of this essay. Miley even gets mentioned.
She will never be free from her thirstiness and short attention span. It must be mentally exhausting to be her.