
I’m glad she’s vocal and not going away. It doesn’t look like any of the men who raped her are ever going  to face any consequences. 

Because she is truly and completely out of touch all while her spin doctors are concocting these narratives about how “cool” and “modern” she is all because she let her grandsons marry who they wanted and she once drove around a Saudi dignitary who thought women shouldn’t drive.

His interview just made me more sure he is a total scumbag that did horrible things.  Before I thought that maybe he just had the wrong scumbag friend, but now I think he’s a total scumbag who took what was offered.

As someone said on twitter, if you can’t see a smoking gun, it’s because there are so many smoking guns in the room that the smoke is obscuring the guns. Seriously, we’re up to dozens of smoking guns, already.

That was really well said Persnickety. I feel I can now better articulate why I am for Warren over Bernie.

This is the same move he made with his taxes- claiming he wanted to release them, but that he can’t because they’re under audit. The Trump playbook only has 2 or 3 plays, which he runs over and over and over, and this is one of them.

Honestly, it’s time. Elizabeth Warren needs her own in depth story. This is just the feminist blog to do so.

I’m going to say this one more time, the amount of people that think this bitch ass punk mother fuckin pussy is some kind of genius tough guy is simply amazing. No it is fucking infuriating. People in NYC know he’s a bitch ass pussy and as dumb as a fucking post. There is a reason he has never testified in any

I was kind of wondering if maybe he’d travelled to Spain or Sicily, because they were found there as early as the 9thC, but seriously that would be a HUGE stretch haha.

Yeah I got mad when he started talking about getting oranges in his Christmas stocking. I was like sweet oranges would not have been around in the 14thC and they were a massive luxury when they first arrived.

Yeah for some reason it was the small stuff like this that really irritated me. I mean I can see why he needs to respect women and speak Modern English but why does he need to know what a Christmas tree is?

Look at you, out here giving them ideas...;-)

Of all the ridiculous things about this film I got really fixated on the bit where Cole says he and his brother got oranges in their stockings back home in the 14th century. I was like dammit that’s at least 100 years out.

When you spend that much time in close proximity to the Donald, the cumulative radiation exposure is unavoidably high.

Not defending Melania here but....

That good boy is just impeccably well groomed.

I’m not sure if this is marginally better or significantly worse than last year’s Blood Trees.

There’s just something so strangely anachronistic about a national variety talent show.

I’m just shocked that people are still interested in these kids of shows, especially since even the shows with “diverse” talents still seem to revolve heavily around singing.

So you’re saying that NBC moved to protect a legacy asset of the company over the objections of a woman?