
Truly. While it’s certainly not 100% given, it’s EXTREMELY common for a victim to go on to become an abuser; what’s worse is they often don’t even realize it until they’re met with the consequences their own abusers escaped. It’s like they can’t make the connection, or make it way too late. It’s a vicious cycle, but

I hope at some point in the next and last two seasons they do a flashback of Anne’s attempted kidnapping, maybe to draw some kind of connection to her present circumstances or to show how badass she is even when her chips are down? It would be such a waste otherwise!

She came back to shoot that scene. Claire Foy digitally de-aged to 21 was a bit disconcerting; she looked like a bad filter. All that money in the budget and they couldn’t have just used lighting and make-up to take a decade off?

Thank you!

It’s so bizarre and kind of sad how models (and I don’t mean niche models like plus size or age-targeted, but models meant to be our modern Helen Of Troys) are plucked as preteens then age out by 30 or so (forget breaking into the biz by that point), whereas a lot of us don’t actually start to make sense looks-wise

Oh wow, I’ll have to read that. I feel like that enigmatic persona can go SO many ways, for better and for worse. It’s like being a dark horse gets you romanticized or scandalized and both depend on who’s doing the scrutinizing. Either way, I absolutely agree that there’s probably not much to Melania, we just wish

Here’s an uncomfortable truth: you can still be a victim of someone while perpetuating their abuse. (The Manson cult immediately comes to mind but I know there are hundreds of other examples.) I don’t pity Melania nor recuse her from personal responsibility AT ALL, but she’s hardly the first person in history to punch

I absolutely agree. Yes, the Billy Joel dance was out of place and a tad obnoxious, but the for-your-eyes-only Phantom song was cringey in a way that should have come off as winsome for Charles. Diana wasn’t a trained performer so of course she wasn’t going to pull a Sarah Brightman, but there really are people,

Nah, he fades away onscreen as well. Apparently I’ve seen him in several things and didn’t remember him in any of them. The only reason I remembered him in Netflix’s adaptation of Rebecca was because he was SO boring and SO lame but SO toxic that I couldn’t believe the unnamed new bride didn’t just push him off a

She reminds me of Molly Ringwald’s older sister in Sixteen Candles, lol.

“I’m not unhinged or unhappy / I’m just wild.”

She’s a badass. Italy’s own Jabba, Berlusconi, hated her because she wasn’t an underage sex trafficked escort willing to marvel at his genius and virility. He never stopped blasting her for being old, fat, ugly, uncharming, blah blah blah, and she just punted every insult like a pro.

But, you know, women are the

Ivanka’s going to end up like some tragic Henry James heroine who started out in high society, fell (or in her case swan dived) from grace, then tried to return only to be barred from “polite” circles forevermore. She really is something out of the Gilded Age, all money and surface values desperately hoping her looks

Seth Rogan is about as average as you can get for looks. People who look like him do not end up with supermodels by being a nice guy. And pretending like they do is ridiculous.

If you haven’t read up on Sophia Loren’s marriage phew, enjoy that doozy.

But also: Don Johnson

I personally prefer this to movies/tv shows scrubbing the problematic factor out entirely and pretending that it/they never existed in the first place. Isn’t it better to trust your audience’s intelligence and ability to decide for themselves if they want to proceed?

This is how history works, tho. You study the “thing” as well as the era and context it existed in in order to understand why it happened, what it meant, and what the course of progress has been (if at all). Allowing the “thing” to exist in its time and place while NOT allowing it to continue any farther, rather than

I’m with you. I never got the point of him. He’s a wooden AF actor and his looks are...meh? Like, I guess he’d be hot if you were into the Chad types but I’m not so yeah, even his creepy proclivities come off as more basic bs. 

Way to tell on yourself before you’ve even been called out, Lana. Girl is so ahead of her game she’s looped back around and bumped into it. 

My only guess at this point in the shitshow narrative arc is that Trump has some serious dirt on Pence—the kind Pence would (kinda literally) throw his country under the bus to protect. Given Pence’s background and values...I mean, the nature of that dirt could be anything. Either way, must be some SERIOUS shit for