
Of course I’m serious. No one is getting deported without due process.

There is is zero evidence of any of that happening.

Great sentiment but there’s a bit of over the top rhetoric that supporting Trump == telling all those people you listed that they “don’t count.” That it was a referendum on them as people. What about the one third of Latinos and one third of Asians that voted for Trump? How do you reconcile that with the above line of

Open their minds, challenge their thoughts, sure. Teach them that they (and their parents) are wrong and small-minded to disagree with you on a subjective topic? That’s something entirely different...

You are making a sweeping generalization about millions of people based on nothing more than a personal bias. That’s

Some women voted for Trump and so did some of all those other groups.

and surely some women voted for trump.

My kids knew about the election, but there was no outburst like that. Don’t live vicariously through your kid.

The only way your kid knows he’s terrrible is you telling, projecting, or complaining to the kid. Unless you birthed a child prodigy, your kid only knows the details of the election through you.