People forget that we’re screwed no matter who is in office. The president is a puppet; he is chosen, not elected. Why do you think the TPP passed? Why do you think feminism started? To tax the other half of the population!
People forget that we’re screwed no matter who is in office. The president is a puppet; he is chosen, not elected. Why do you think the TPP passed? Why do you think feminism started? To tax the other half of the population!
You don’t shield them, but at 4 years old, they don;’t need to know intimate details.
Why the hell is a four year old talking about that? What kind of parent are you?
No, Jesus would the love sinner, but not their sins.
But they are, because their parents CHOSE TO BREAK THE LAW. If you parents robbed a bank (also breaking the law), should I have sympathy for you because you might lose them?