If you have any people on your feed that support this shit, I’d either delete them, or just stay off FB for today and drink some wine/vodka/take some Xanax/smoke weed.
If you have any people on your feed that support this shit, I’d either delete them, or just stay off FB for today and drink some wine/vodka/take some Xanax/smoke weed.
I still cannot get over how a guy who has as much money as he allegedly has wears such garbage suits.
YES. I suggested this right before the Thanksgivng holiday. These evil Trump supporters believe that these actions won’t negatively affect them. If they never again see their daughter, son, grandkids, they will learn: elections do have consequences. Make sure to calmly tell them why they are being disowned.
Along with everything else mentioned here, I’ve also moved all my money to a local credit union. I found a list of all Koch, Nestle, etc. owned brands and don’t purchase those things. I don’t shop at places like Hobby Lobby or Urban Outfitters, and won’t eat at places like Carl’s Jr or Olive Garden. But I am…
Run for local office.
For all of their lives!
Except ya know, he doesn’t have Facebook. That has already been covered by the media. There are a million fake pages a cursory search will tell you that. Because it is on the Internet does not make it true. I understand a distaste for Donald, but are you really gonna start setting your sights on a 10 year old kid?…
I can’t understand why they’d be tried as adults. Especially if they have established diagnoses of schizophrenia and schizotypal personality (which is essentially a less severe disorder in the schizophrenia spectrum, but with severe social isolation/discomfort and delusional ideas). If a person doesn’t truly…
Richard Weissbourd, of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, is running some projects which address these issues. You can google his project, Making Caring Common, and ask them about possible resources. I know they’d love to hear from you.
Thesocietypages.org and thesocietypages.org/socimages
Sounds like you need a new group of women. There are tens of thousands of non-white, non-cis, non-straight women traveling from all over the country to march.
Oh! No. It’s because I don’t particularly like the women I work with. :( They’re all very dumb and bad.
Since Jane who very much is an ignorant slut dismissed my comment, I’ll repost it here:
I like this perspective. Now that trump has been elected, white people are ON ME to engage with racists and teach them a better, more loving way. As if I haven’t been trying this my whole life. White people, the responsibility to pick up your own house is YOURS.
Either you have a very limited definition of “modern history” or you have forgotten Eleanor Roosevelt.
National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
I’d watch if SaraM from TWOP (RIP) recapped it.