This one is fun:
This one is fun:
As Mr. Rogers so beautifully put it, “Boys are fancy on the outside and girls are fancy on the inside.”
If he’d gotten sober and worked the steps and taken responsibility for his actions and not continued to act like a bratty entitled toddler? Yes, it’d make a difference for me. There’s room in my mind for rehabilitation but he’s nowhere near interested in responsibility let alone rehabilitation.
That’s interesting because Brett Kavanaugh sure took issue with that, which is pretty damn telling.
Audra’s the right age though.
I loved this book, too, but wanted Audra McDonald to be the singer (I love Julianne Moore but I hate lip syncing). Now my dream is dead.
Oh my god, I’d see the hell out of an adaptation of that story!
Just because she never showed any signs of suicide or depression doesn’t mean that there *weren’t* signs; it just means she may not have shown them. Not everyone who is suicidal looks or outwardly acts suicidal. Not everyone struggling with depression and anxiety shares that in any way with the world. I know this…
It’s so great to see Alexandra Billings in Goliath playing a woman, full stop. She’s just there being her lovely womanly self. More of that, please.
That wasn’t cut out. I wrote about it on the now defunct AntiRacist Parent blog because it was *not* cut out. It’s in Little Town on the Prairie.
I think it’s a worthy discussion to have around supporting kids who identify as trans and/or genderfluid while also protecting their options to change their minds. I work with kids/teens, some of whom identify as trans and live in a social community where these kids are supported absolutely however I see hang ups on…
Came here to defend selkies. Thank you.
Why is that an odd example? Casting a black actress for the role of Meg likely would have resonated differently with them than for a little black girl who grew up hoping for a film adaptation and then got to see her childhood self reflected on the screen. A more diverse critic pool would mean more diverse reactions…
Which is ridiculous because he can’t fucking sing. I mean he can sing compared to me (I really can’t sing) but I played his version of Being Alive against Raul’s version to prove it to my kids and yeah, he can’t sing.
No one is saying he can’t go get a job at Pizza Hut or go back to school and learn to be an electrician. We’re saying it’s shitty that he’s getting a tidy little role on a big ticket movie by a big deal director when he assaulted a woman. He had his shot at big dealness and he blew it. What’s wrong with sending him…
Harrison Ford, my first crush, is a jerk. He cheated on his wife with the nanny (my friend’s sister was his neighbor) and he also went out of his way to give Roman Polanski his Oscar and he sure didn’t treat young Carrie Fisher well on the set of the first Star Wars per her memoirs.
I’m a Reform Jew and we’re cool with all that. Not all Reform Jews and not all Reform Synagogues because the rabbi will be the one who dictates the culture but ours is excessively liberal. Also UU (as someone posted below) is super liberal and most United Church of Christ churches are, too. I have no desire to turn…
When I hear “I’m anti-abortion personally but pro-choice politically” it grates on me like “I’m straight but not narrow.” It’s like saying, “Listen, theoretically I’m for you but don’t assume that I AM you.”
I saw one at the Dollar Store once that said, “Hope you have the Mother’s Day you deserve.” Almost bought it for my mom but my son said she’d see right through it.