
I know, right? He’s been doing Jon Stewart level work in dissecting Trump.

The fact that he can sit there and laugh is perfect too, because it’s what is expected of him and is extremely damaging to their argument and to their mind frame as a whole. No one on Trump’s team are people who don’t mind being laughed at, so the ability to both shut them down and essentially say “lol k” at the same

Who would have thought Seth Meyers would emerge as the hard-hitting late-night personality?

This is it, guys. Every damned thing they do that has public access, someone is gonna get dragged out of it. This is how we fight back, by making them see how little we care for the ways they think, the things they believe in, and the things they do. It might not change anything, but if something like this happened

lol, k.

The book can be made, he can self publish for all I care. It is disappointing that a major publisher was like “hey I can make money off of this guy’s racism and hate speech that makes the world an objectively worse place!”

You’re trying to trot out the “paradox of tolerance”, but you are late to the game. It’s already been solved, amigo. Philosopher Karl Popper brought up this exact point in 1945:

I read it’s being completely recast and reimagined as a vampire saga.

Oh come on.

“Do we really need to see the mannerisms of our new leader through the lens of comedy on TV?”

Is anything ever actually said unless a man says it though, really?

While I don’t revel in the death of a human (Trump excepted) I’m ok with this. Im friends with Gilbert Gottfried and Gil says Alan was a total shit to work for. Ungreatful, unkind, etc. He said he did Wife Swap mainly to show what an asshole Alan still was.

Progressives HAVE been vocal about the Obama deportation policy. But he’s also done a lot of good in the immigration arena, from DACA to the STEM OPT expansion to the enforcement priorities memos for ICE. So we can demonize him for the deportations alone, or we can admit that (like many other issues) it’s fucking

That’s how Miss Marple solved all those crimes.

Bonnie Raitt, Tina Turner, Aretha Franklin, Stevie Nicks, Annie Lennox, Joni Mitchell, Dione Warwick, Cyndi Lauper, Nina Simone (during her lifetime).

I grew up before Madonna, and I can’t stand her.

uh..i’m 45 and she never meant much to me.

I’m sorry but I can’t stand Madonna as an artist anymore and that has nothing to do with ageism or sexism (as I’m an Old Woman myself). She was showing real growth as an artist circa Bed Time Stories and Ray of Light, and then started to regress into silly electro pop. With every album that comes out, I get more

We’re still pretending Madonna isn’t a huge asshole?