2. “I’ve made a huge mistake. For the sake of our country, I am ceding this election to Hillary Clinton. Sorry for wasting your time everyone.”
2. “I’ve made a huge mistake. For the sake of our country, I am ceding this election to Hillary Clinton. Sorry for wasting your time everyone.”
“given the benefit of the doubt that his intentions in coming to Ohio were good, and if so, what would Clark hope to hear from him.”
I’m going to reserve judgement and trust the director at this point. Damon is (naturally) being heavily marketed to American audiences, but the Chinese director says he’s just one of 5 “heroes” and not the savior of China. I think the theatrical trailer is ok, kind of silly, but definitely quite full of non-white…
I do get how people can do it (which was obviously not the case in this situation). When this happens, it’s not typically when they are taking a cross-country trip with their kids, it’s when they are going through the rote motions of their day. Have you ever gotten in your car to head to ____, but gotten halfway to a…
Crash taught young me never to trust white people’s recommendations on movies about race.
This isn’t really in response to you, but I don’t want to reply to the people who are actually saying this shit, and your comment is tangentially related:
When people respond like that to me IRL I like to follow up with a perfectly guileless “So do you not know the answer, then?”
I live in Columbus. We have the second highest Somali population in the United States. If white people don’t have to claim responsibility for Dylan Roof or James Holmes or Robert Deer or any of the countless white people that commit violent crimes, they don’t have to either. This feels so raw to me, as I live about a…
I would add, without going into a long and boring speculation on how this happened (short answer: reddit) - one of the most “interesting” cf. horrifying things about the shifts in the last few years have been an increase of allignment between alt-right groups. This did inevitably drag me into some fairly gross Neo…
I have spent years wondering what average Germans thought of the Nazis. There is precious little record of how people dealt with the rising violence and inequality.
This is our record. I have no illusions about how unlikely it is that any of our attempts to keep Trump out of office might work. That’s not the point…
I disagree.
With all my intuitive, witchy powers I tell you I have long believed Kanye to be bipolar. Love him, feel for him, he’s a blowhard but brilliant. Let’s try a little compassion- when it comes to mental illness, celebs are really just like us- except sometimes the fishbowl exacerbates the delusions and makes it harder…
As a mother of a child on the spectrum, can you please dismiss any comments mocking Trump for having an autistic child? I hate Trump with a fiery passion, but that shit is off limits.
On Friday, Tequila tweeted photos of herself at a private, alt-right D.C. dinner
We call that Freedom Foam.
Oprah is a shameless opportunist and it is about time she was called out for it. She preys on society’s most vulnerable members and feeds them consumerist pablum as way to ‘fix’ their problems.
How about a boycott of “Dr.” Phil altogether. And throw Dr. Oz into the mix for good measure.
I really wish that Oprah had never brought Dr.’s Phil & Oz out of the grays.
She sounds like the type of person who invites people over for dinner and then tries to get them to invest in a ponzi scheme.
Hey pals, just jumping down here to make a couple of quick comments. There are SO MANY legitimate reasons to criticize Melania Trump. Slut-shaming, particularly by referencing her nude photos, is not one of them.