Filburt Shellbach

I quit with this show when they started getting all soapy last season and hooking all the characters up. Should I go back? I truly enjoyed Season 1.

I'm going to agree with you on this one. It wasn't anything any particular with this episode, but this is the one that finally drove me to delete the season pass off my DVR. So long LMOE…

I am wondering the same thing. I googled "Masters of Sex AVClub" and it brought me to this comment section.

You mean the ZODIAC KILLER?

True, but what Colbert did was more "performance art" than standup comedy. Larry Wilmore could pivot off a joke that didn't land, Colbert was completely locked in to that character.


Most plays are two acts, so I'd guess ten episodes.

I believe he called her an "injun".

Voice Overman.

Horatio Sanz's complete lack of commitment to bits shows through here as his mouth rarely matches the audio.

I think you mean "daaaaaaanger zone!"

Good ep.

I fast forwarded through the whole thing.

Great episode. C+.

Not all bald character actors are Michael Kostroff, reviewer.

I just want to kill Mr. Bates.

Just watched this a few days after Robin Williams committed suicide. It made all the Marilyn stuff that much more poignant.

"And here's the thing: Mohawk's not around anymore. So if Don't basing his self-image on sticking with companies like Mohawk, well…frankly, I'm starting to worry about Don."

See then, I failed completely. I thought they'd gone back to Minneapolis for some such reason.

I'll second @Herkermer Homolka. The latest update to the Apple podcast app was the last straw for me. Downcast is great. Completely customizable and it just works, unlike Apple's clunky app.:disqus